Q. Re question (1980) above on one that ate mezonos and also fruits and a drink and then made "al hamichya" but not "bore nefashot," that the Rov ruled he can still take another drink without reciting a "shehakol" bracha. Would the same apply to someone who ate mezonos and grapes, and then recited "al hamichya" but forgot that he ate grapes and did not mention them in the brocho, can he still eat grapes after?
If not, does he have to repeat the bracha acharona on grapes?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that if he forgot his eating grapes, then that would be considered by definition as hesech hadaas - a removal of thought or a lapse in concentration and require a new brocho on the grapes. If he decided not to eat more grapes, he would have to recite a brocho acharona on the grapes he ate, as they were not included in the al hamichya he recited.
However, the Rov added, if we are dealing with dates instead of grapes, since dates provide sustenance similar to grain products (mizan zaine), they may be included in the bracha acharona of al hamichyia. This being similar to what is mentioned in Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 208: 17) and Mishna Berura (77) in regards to birchas hazon.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a