Q. The Talmud teaches (Pesachim 2a) that a person should go out on his way bechi tov when it is day. Should then someone avoid going to the hashkama minyan especially on Shabbath early morning when he has to walk and it is still night, and it is not the best of neighborhoods?
A. Chashukei Chemed (Pesachim 2a) addresses this question in regards to someone walking early morning and still dark to the Kossel. He tends to be lenient since in our days the roads and streets are well lit. He compares the issue to the ruling of the Semma (C.M. 5: 7) that a Beth Din can seat in judgment even at night if their chamber is well lit as then night turns into day. Although most Poskim disagree in regards to other mitzvos that are kept only during day time, it applies also to shechita and according to Rashi (Sefer Hapardes - H. Tzitzis 36) in regards to a tallis. He maintains that the lighting downgrades the danger of robbers and mazikin to rare and uncommon, specially when someone is traveling to the Kossel, shul or other mitzvos.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is similar.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a