Q. If one eats dates and an apple (a shiur of both) and nothing else, can the after-bracha for the dates cover the apple thus no borei nefashos would be required?
A. Shulchan Aruch (208: 13) rules that if one recites the bracha acharona "al hoetz" as required after eating a fruit of the seven species, and he also ate apples, he does not have recite "bore nefashos" on the apples, since they also qualify as fruits of the tree and are included.
Mishna Berura (207: 1) quoting Shaarei Teshuva writes, that after the fact, one complies with "al hoetz" after all fruits, even if he did not eat a fruit of the seven species.
Eretz Tzvi (1: 29) adds that even if he didn't recite the "al Hoetz" himself, but heard it from someone else and complies as "shomea keoneh" (listening with the intention to comply), he would also be exempt from reciting "bore nefashos" on the apple.
Horav Shlomo Miller's opinion is similar.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a