Q. (Re- question 1891). Is it important to conclude our recitation of Y'hei Sh'mei Rabbo before the Chazan begins Yisborach, so that we can concentrate on hearing the words that the Chazan is saying? If yes, which is more important, concluding 'on time' or saying Y'hei Sh'mei Rabbo with all our intention ability even if we finish 'late'?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that although one has to answer Yehei Shmei with his greatest intention, and Mishna Berura (124: 47) maintains that if one's intention is to rouse and energize others into answering with better and stronger kavana and intent, one should say it also loud, still listening to the words of the person reciting kaddish is essential, since after all you are answering to his recitation.
Therefore, one should teach himself to answer in a way that matches the pace of the one reciting, so he and others can also hear every word he is saying.
The Rov also suggested to instruct the kaddish reciter to slow down if necessary, so all present can answer properly.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a
The Gemara says whomever answers Y'hei Sh'mei etc. with all his Koach, they tear up etc. The Gemara uses the words "Kol Ho'ohneh". Does this mean that this Eitzah does not work when the Chazan says Y'hei Sh'mei etc. as part of his recitation?