Q. A person who will be eating Friday night by a family where the person making Kiddush does not properly articulate the words, mumbles, or otherwise makes Kiddush incorrectly - and does not offer his guests the option of making their own Kiddush - what would the Rav recommend?
A. You could quietly and discreetly repeat the words of the kiddush said. (Ben Ish Chai - Bereishis 15, Rav Poalim 2: 41). Also recommended for one that is hard of hearing.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a rules in Maayonei Shlomo (O.H. 77) in regard to the use of cochlear implants, that in order to comply with kiddush a wife or daughter should say it quietly herself, but she does not have to hold a cup of wine in her hand if it is embarrassing. It is also preferable that one should make an effort to drink some of the wine or grape juice.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a