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# 2170 Kindling the Sparks
Q. Re- last question (2168) regarding Frum people that have a tendency to be machmir on issues that are in fact permitted in Halacha, especially on kashrus shailos. You mentioned the b'al tashchis concerns as well as the Pischei Teshuva that it can involve apikorsus. However, you totally omitted a most important issue and that is the tikun that has to be given and obtained to the Hashem's Creation by using it properly and making a brocho on what is permitted, and it is a crime when it is neglected. Should that not be addressed also?

A. Your complaint is correct, but we concentrated more on the Halacha issues.
Rav Eliahu Dessler zt’l in Michtav M’Elyiahu (2: p. 212) explains well the Kabbalistic principle of “nitzoitzos” or sparks of kedusha inherent in everything that Hashem created. They are to be found everywhere, even in the most extreme stages of tumah, depravity, immorality, evil, and impurity. His reasoning; if it does not contain a spark of holiness reflecting Hashem’s presence and potential return to Him, it simply would not exist.
Some compare this principle, to today's understating of the relationship between mass and energy. Namely, every material object contains a distinct and surprisingly immense amount of energy. If it exists it contains energy.
Moreover, Rav Dessler adds, the function and purpose of the Torah, mitzvos, brochos and tefilos we were ordained to observe and perform, is to bring a tikun, that is to extract and elevate those nitzoitzos and fix the world Hashem created. That was the reason why we were enslaved in Mitzraim. However, once those nitzoitzos were released, we left and we are not to return there. That is also the purpose of golus and all exiles and the intention of the future final Geulah.
Furthermore, they explain, the greater the depth of tumah was, the more elevated will be the resulting tikun obtained. That is why the heights reached by baalei teshuva are greater than the ones that can be achieved by even the greatest of primary tzadikim.
B'nay Isoschor (Chodesh Ador 2: 7: p.95) describes well the principles of Cabbala and the Arizal involved. He mentions the case of a prohibited piece (of meat) that became annulled in sixty parts or in a majority, as required, and now became permitted. The reason is that in His great wisdom, Hashem wants that the "nitzutz" of kedusha or spark of holiness hidden in that prohibited piece should become permitted and elevated.
However, as Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a answered on the prior question, you seldom have well defined, black and white situations and other facts and doubts may also have to be accounted for, so there may be place and reason for being machmir. Once there is a valid reason to be stringent, just as one is not concerned then anymore for the ba'al tashchis prohibition, one should not be concerned for the nitotzois.

Rabbi a. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a

Posted 5/14/2019 5:13 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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