Q. I overheard that there an inyan (point) on eating maror and an egg on Pesach Sheni with the matza is that true?
A. Piskei Teshuvos (492: n. 11) and Nitei Gavriel (Pesach 3: 57: n. 14) quote this minhag from Devar Yehoshua, Darchei Chaim Veshalom and others. They add that some Chassidik Rebbes have a minhag to have a "Tish" and celebrate a seder on Pesach Sheni and indeed eat besides the matza, also maror and eggs. They mention that this is the minhag of Chabad, Belz, Satmar, Spinka and others, each with their own particular variations. The point out that in Nad'vorna they drink also four cups of wine.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that one should maintain his own minhogim and traditions.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a