Q. Can one use cologne or liquid perfumed deodorant applied directly on the body during Shabbat, if it also contains some medical ingredients for alleviating skin conditions?
A. Poskim disagree in regard to creating aroma on the body. Some prohibit (Hilchos Ketanos - 1: 19, Sheilas Yaavetz, Shoel Umeishiv - 2: 2: 7, Ben Ish Chai - Tetzave 11, and others)
Mishna Berura (128: 23)mentions that Cohanim may wash their hands on Yom Tov with water that contains aromatic oils, since there is no prohibition to create or be molid fragrance on the body, but it is forbidden on objects or garments (ibid. 322: 18). Eliahu Rabba (128: 8) and Chacham Tzvi (92), among others are also lenient. Ginas Verodim (3: 16) argues that the aroma given to the body does not last or endure, since the sweat wears it off.
Minchas Yitzchok (6: 26) maintains that the stringent opinions are more numerous than the lenient ones. And even the Mishna Berura (ibid.) may only be referring to the hands and to other parts of the body.
Mishne Halochos (7: 46) and Yabia Omer (6: 35) and others, mention that the tradition is to be lenient when one uses it on the body, to mask or remove bad odors affecting him.
Piskei Teshuvos (322: n. 34) permits when there is also medical advantages, as one's intention may be for those benefits.
Horav Shlomo miller's Shlit"a opinion is also to be lenient.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a