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# 2225 Watch And Wear
Q. May one wear bigdei Shabbos for a date or job interview, or other cases of need, or is this a chisaron in kavod Shabbos? May one trim his nails or get a haircut l'kavod a date or an interview? (In poskim, the actions of trimming nails and getting a haircut are mentioned with respect to Shabbos, so perhaps doing these actions l'kavod an interview indicates that one is c"v [chas vesholom - G-d forbid], equating the chashivus of the interview with that of Shabbos Kodesh).

A. On question 1764 regarding to a person who can afford only one suit (jacket) and he would like to wear it both on Shabbos as well as when he davens during the weekdays, we wrote: Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 262: 3) rules that one should wear better and specially dedicated clothing for the honor of Shabbos... In regard to wearing Shabbos clothing for daveninig during weekdays when in need, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that it can be used for davening.
See also question 1765 addressing one traveling, if he has to take with, both his Shabbos and weekday taalis, or if one is medakdek to use special Shabbos shoes, can he be lenient when traveling, we wrote; “From Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 262: 3), Mishna Berura and other Poskim it appears that there are two distinct opinions as to how to comply with the obligation to wear special and dedicated clothing in honor of Shabbos. Halachikally, it suffices if the suit and hat are used only for Shabbos, while inner garments including shirts, as long as they were washed for Shabbos, that already makes them special and dedicated. Shoes are similar, and they should be shined or cleaned. (Rav Poalim 4: 13, Yisodei Yeshurun p. 26, et. al.).
However, others assert that all clothing should be dedicated only for Shabbos use, including shoes and taalit kattan (Arizal and Mekubalim as quoted in Magen Avraham ibid. 2, Moreh Be’etzba 4: 139, Kitzur Sheloh, et. al.).” (See also questions 1147 and 844 in regards to wearing Shabbos clothing on Tisha Beav when it falls on Motzei Shabbos.
On question 1846 concerning the change of clothing for reciting selichos on Motzei Shabbos, we wrote: Nitei Gavriel (Rosh Hashana 8: 6) writes that those who accustom to say selichos on Motzei Shabbos, the minhag is to recite them wearing Shabbos clothing. He mentions that the reason is that usually we don’t remove Shabbos clothing after Shabbos. However, the minhag Chabad and Stolin is to wear weekday’s clothing...
On Motzei Shabbos Yalkut Yosher (p. 58) and others (See Piskei Teshuvos ibid.), assert that the common minhag is to wear them until one goes to sleep. Similarly, they permit wearing Shabbos clothing when attending weddings and simchos, although some are stringent (ibid. quoting Medresh Ruth, Avnei Yoshfo 5: 46)).
From the above we can deduce that on the onset, one should preferably when possible avoid wearing Shabbos clothing for job interviews. However, in respect to trimming nails or getting a haircut for a date or an interview, the common minhag is to be lenient when it is needed.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a

Posted 6/28/2019 1:41 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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