Q. If a person knows that his frei (non-religious) parents will extinguish the Chanukah candles on Friday night before going to bed, should one still light in his house, or is one being machshil them and better not to light?
A. On question 2472 regarding one that does not sleep with his parents Friday night since they are mechallelei Shabbos and therefore he sleeps in a different house to avoid seeing the chillul Shabbos, we wrote: Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that you should light in your parents home which is your principal residence, after plag before Shabbos and then travel to your Shabbos host.
The Rov pointed out that lighting by the parents may have a good influence on them.
Of course, the Rov added, that if he knows that his frei parents will extinguish the Chanukah candles on Friday night before going to bed, he should better light by his friend that is hosting him for Shabbos.
He may also just place enough oil for the lights to stay on a half an hour after the earliest time of Tzeis, (beginning of night), and ask his parents to kindly not extinguish them before.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a