Q: Hi Rabbi, We know that Moshe Rabbeinu, A"H, is the gilgul of Hevel. Is it
possible that Moshe was reincarnated again? And if so, what do we know about
Thanks, Eric
A: Besides Hevel as the source of Moishe Rabeinu
neshamah, Sheis is mentioned too, see Nahal Kedumim (Shemoth 2 ), as in the
acronim of Moishe, Mem = Moishe, Shin = Sheis, Hey = Hevel. Another stage to
his gilgul often mentioned is Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Zohar ch. 3 p.134). A
remez to this connection is found in the fact that the seventh of Adar
(Yortzeith of Moishe Rabeinu is the same day of the week as Lag Baomer
(Yortzaith of RASHB"I), also the Gematriah of Lag Baomer corresponds to the
numerical value of the name Moishe(345). Sefer Hagilgulim (ch. 63) quotes Rav
Hamnunah Sabah as being also a reincarnation of Moishe Rabeinu, and there are