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# 2756 Sure Cure
Q. Tehillim Question: we set up a tehillim group for my daughter 2 weeks ago.  BH she is stable and I was wondering when to stop the public tehillim.  I will iy'H continue to say it in her Zechus for Refuah Sheleimah but I am never clear when to take someone off one's tehillim list.  She is very nervous still - before Shabbos was crying since she was worried about Shabbos since last week in hospital and the week before went in ambulance.  Now she is nervous as it is not yet 2 weeks from her procedures and is worried.  So at which point does one take a person off tehillim list for iy'h a good reason?  
Thank you!  Kol Toov! 

A. It is an established tradition to recite Tehilim on behalf of the ailing and for any other unneeded tzoro or affliction that one is suffering. Sources are mentioned in Peleh Yoetz (Erech Tehilim), Chido (Avodas Hakodesh 11), and many others. (See also Talmud Shavuos 15b).
The Malbim (Eretz Chemda - Lech Lecha quoting Chida) mentions that even after someone has recovered, one should continue the tefilos and prayers, as he still may need great shemira. He stresses that one should not behave as other believers do, and as Pharaoh did, that when immediately there was some relief his heart hardened.
Malbim explains the pasuk (Tehilim 118: 5) "Min Hameitzar - From the dire straits I called You Hashem; Answer me in a vast expanse," even when I'm already  in a vast expanse, I still need Your answer.
However, when a Mi Sheberach or a prayer for the sick is recited after Tehilim, once one has completely healed he may not be included with the rest of the ailing.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is similar.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a

Posted 7/20/2020 4:38 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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