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# 2757 A Masked Answer?
Q. Israel is experiencing a skyrocketing number of new cases of this virus; over 8500 new cases within the last 2 weeks. Nevertheless, there are some Rabbis that do not wear masks in public and tell anyone who asks that it is not necessary to wear masks in public. Although the reasons for their view is not clear, the more prevailing Rabbinic view is that it is essential to wear a mask in public and that one who does not do so is acting lightly regarding safety to human life. In Bnei Brak, the Rabbonim have ruled that one who does not wear a mask in public is not be counted as part of a Minyan.
In regard to those Rabbis that maintain that it is not obligatory to wear a mask in public, may one follow their rulings in other areas of Halacha, or does this strange ruling of theirs regarding masks show that their halachic reasoning is faulty and that their ability to render correct and sound halachic rulings is weak and ought to be disregarded?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that the issue of wearing masks as well as other Covid restrictions is constantly subject to changes, as we wrote on question 2630 "a defining attribute of the Covid crisis is its constant ability to change." Besides, as we wrote in many other recent responses, not all situations are the same and Covid rules change from place to place. The true constancy of this crisis is that there is no constancy.
Therefore, at this time (July 8, 20) it is difficult to give a correct and accurate answer to your question, without examining carefully the realities of each particular situation.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a

Posted 7/22/2020 3:36 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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