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Have a question? Send it in! Questions are answered by Rabbi Bartfeld.

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#17 - Shavous - Zman Tefillah, Hadlakah and custom to eat dairy
Q: Dear Rabbi,

1) - As we begin Shavuoth, we wait to pray tefilath Maariv until nightfal, if somebody keeps usually Rabeinu Tam, does he have to wait now too?

2) - When do women light the candles on first night Shavuoth?

3) - Bnai Ysroel in the widerness only ate the Mannah, how come we eat milk food to remember the fact that on first time Shavuoth they consumed milk food, as they were unprepared for the halachic comlexities of preparing meat?


A: Dear Isaac,
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a is of the opinion that no waiting for the Zman of Rabeinu Tam is necessary for beginning to recite Maariv on first night Shavuoth.

As for light kindling on that evening, although there are opinions that because of the issue of Temimoth (seven complete weeks) women wait until nightfall, the accepted tradition is to light on the Zman, as in any other Yom Tov.

In regards to the Mann, Igrah Dekalah writes in Parshas Beshalach that they did not eat any other food during the forty years in the wilderness but Mann. Not every one agrees though , there is a Midrash on Shir Hashirim that maintains that contacts were made with other nations and they supplied wine for Nesachim from Ein Gedi. Then again, they had an ample supply of cattle with them as described in the Torah. It is interesting to mention the opinion of The Gilione Hashas on Berachot 48b, that the miracle of the Mann included its transformation to being the actual food that one had in mind as he ate it. And that is the way the were able to comply with eating Matzah and making Kidush during that period. It is then conceivable that they actually had "virtual" milk food from the Mann.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a

Posted 5/28/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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