BS"D Dear Rabbi, Shalom, 1.Regarding the rainbow that one sees in Niagara Falls, Should one recite the blessing ? 2. Is that ok for a person who has seen a rainbow to inform a friend that there is a rainbow outside so that he may gain another blessing towards the one hundred blessings that are required daily? Thanks, Mordechai
Dear Mordechai.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a opinion is that one does not make a blessing on a rainbow that was created by the mist of a waterfall, (see Piskey Teshuvot O.Ch. 229-1, that we make a brocho without the name of Hashem for a normal cloud rainbow if it is incomplete). As far as telling a friend of the presence of a rainbow, so he can recite the blessing and gain the Meah Brachot, it is improper to do so even on the Shabat, he should look for another source for completing the one hundred brochos.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a