Q. If someone had a baby girl during the mourning weeks of Sefiras Haomer, should he recite the brocho of Shehecheyanu?
A. Poskim disagree if there is a source or reason at all, to avoid reciting Shehecheyanu during the weeks of Sefira, some maintain there is not. (Levushei Mordechai 153, Likutei Mahariach, Keren Ledovid 119 and others).
Others maintain there is and should be avoided. (Eliahu Zuta 493, quoting Rabbenu Yerucham, and others).
Mishna Berura (493: 2) quotes Ma'amar Mordechai that although our tradition is to avoid reciting Shehecheyanu during the weeks of Sefira, when one does encounter such an occasion, one may recite this brocho. Kovetz Halochos (8: 5) rules similarly.
Some maintain, that when possible one should wait until Shabbos (Leket Yosher p.97, Dover Meshorim 26. and others). The above may not apply to the brocho of Shehecheyanu recited for a new born, since it has a time limit. (See next questions).
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a