Q. Is it correct for one to eat a piece of cake or chocolate candy, that one really likes (not on Shabbat), if one also recites a bracha with lots of Kavana and intention, and deeply thanks Hashem for the pleasure he is having. Or is it better to abstain from physical pleasures, and comply with the mitzva of Kedoshim Ticheyu. Which is more correct?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that one can eat it when reciting properly the brochos involved, when it is part of the Meah Brochos or one hundred blessings one should recite daily.
On question 2204 regarding if one could taste any taste one desired when eating the mon, what was the correct attitude when one ate it. Since this was a kind of spiritual food and Hashem’s gift, was it appropriate to have in mind the best taste possible, enjoying it and thanking Hashem for it. or was it more befitting to avoid the good flavor sensation, as in “kedoshim ticheyu” and desire no taste or even want a bad taste feeling when one ate it.
We answered that Remah (O.H. 242: 1) mentions that the kugel one eats on Shabbos is in remembrance of the mon that Bnei Yisroel ate while they were traveling through the desert. Mishna Berura (ibid. 2) asserts that when eating it, one complies with the mitzva of Oneg Shabbos. Geulas Yisroel (quoted by Mishnas Hashabbos (2: 2: n.15) explains “a person complies with the mitzva of Oneg Shabbos when eating the exquisite Shabbos delicacies, that possess all flavors as the mon did.”
On Yom Tov, there is a mitzva of Simchas Yom Tov or rejoicing during Yom Tov. It is explained by our Sages, as consuming the palatable foods one desires and enjoys such as meat and wine.
Whether, a similar mitzva existed when eating the mon every day, it would seem from the above comparisons that it did. It would seem reasonable and logical that if one was to thank Hashem for the miracle provided, one should indeed enjoy it. Especially since it was after all mainly a spiritual nourishment.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that there was no special mitzva in eating the mon daily, and no birchas hamitzvos was recited. However, as mentioned above, since it was a miraculous and spiritual gift from Hashem, it should have been eaten with great simcha, joy and hakoras hatov to Him."
A story is told about the Rebbe Rav Aaron from Karlin zt'l, that when leading a Tish in front of his chasidim, he took an apple in his hand, and recited the brocho of Boreh P'ri Haetz with incredible kavana and devotion. A new young chosid was so impressed by what he just witnessed, that he also took an apple and to the surprise of all he also recited loud and clear a very similar brocho.
The very surprised and astonished chassidim were all silent, wondering what just happened and what is next.
When they were finished eating their apples, the Rebbe asked the young chosid with love and care;
Do you know the difference between you and me? You were hungry and wanted to eat that juicy appetizing apple. But to do so, you first needed to say a brocho. In my case, as I always do, I looked around at the beauty of our world, at all the great chassidim present and to all the great and good things Hashem has provided, and desperately wanted to call out in praise and thanks to Him. Since our Sages made brochos in the context to praise Hashem, I took the closest thing I saw, that apple. In reality, you said a brocho to eat the apple, and I ate the apple to recite a brocho!
Rabbi A, Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a