Q. Can the Hebrew portions of Kedusha in Uva L'Tziyon be recited without a Minyan? In the absence of a Minyan, must they be recited with the cantillation notes? (Ta'amim). Is this true also for women saying it at home (since we didn't know for sure, I taught my wife and daughters how to read it with cantillation notes)?
A. Zohar (Teruma 232: 2) Talmud and Rambam (8: 36) teach from the pasuk 'Venikdashti betoch Bnai Yisroel' that words that exalt and demand Kedusha should be recited when a minyan is present.
However, Remah (O.H. 132: 1) maintains that the Kedusha of Uva L'Tziyon is similar to the Kedusha of the brochos of Shema (Yotzer) and can be be recited without a minyan present when translated into Targum. Mishna Berura (ibid 1) quoting Taz maintains that if it is the translated version it should be read quietly, while the Lashon Hakodesh version should be recited aloud and preferably with a minyan. He maintains that although it is better to recite Uva Letzion with a minyan, if needed one can say it without.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a also opines that when no minyan is available, it is better to say it with the Ta'amim. However, he maintains that it is not necessary that women should also do so when saying it at home.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit’a