Q. I have seen people when they take off their Taalis and Tefilin, place the Taalis over the Tefilin since after all it is removed last. Besides, next day one is going to put on the Taalis first, and it should be at hand first so not to transgress on 'Maavirin al Hamitzvos' or leaving one mitzva already at hand to comply with another, so they place the Taalis on top of the Tefilin, although they have a greater Kedusha. Is that proper and correct?
A. Poskim rule that one should be careful not to put the Taalis or Siddur on top of the Tefilin when placing them back in one's bag.[
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that it is proper to leave the Tefilin bag outside the main bag, and after taking off the Taalis place it first into the bag and they put the Tefilin on top. However the Taalis, since it is usually bigger, should stick out, so one will encounter it first next time.
Rabbi A Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller, Horav Dovid Pam and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a