Q. See question above. Often I also see pamphlets and pages of Torah that were left on the mail box of the Shul and due to the wind they end on the street. Is it permitted for me to bring
them in during Shabbat, since as mentioned, I'm stringent and don't carry even when there is an Eruv?
A. Alenu Leshaveach (Teshuva 60 - Bereshis) addresses this question and also the question above, He quotes Chassam Sofer 82 and Talmud Baba Metzia (30a) that one should return to others only the lost articles that he would care to retrieve for his own use. If it is an item he would not retrieve for himself, he does not transgress on the prohibition of 'Lo suchal lehisalem'
Regarding writings of Torah and Shemos, he mentions that a 'Gaon' once asked a child to pick up those Shemos. When later he told the Chazon Ish about it, he replied that he should have better just left them in the street.
As mentioned in the prior question, Horav Shlomo Miller's opinion is that it is better to move the Shemos with one's foot, until finding for them a protected place.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller, Horav Dovid Pam and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a.