Q. Dear rabbi, I understand that on Shabbos morning, a woman may drink coffee, tea, juice, etc before she davens. Is there a time limit to that? if she wakes up at 11 am and her shul is already finished davening, can she still drink at home before she davens? Does it matter that there are many shuls in Toronto that daven at different times?
A. on question 3469 we wrote: "Regarding women drinking water before davening (on Shabbos morning) Poskim disagree. Some opine that since they comply with davening by just saying a short Tefila or Bracha, then they would be obliged to recite Kiddush even for just drinking water. That is recommended by some Poskim. (Piskei Teshuvos 289: n. 80).
However, commonly many women wait to hear Kiddush until their husbands come home from shul. Igrois Moshe (4: 101) maintains that since a wife follows her husband, and he only recites Kiddush until arriving after davening from shul, she does the same."
On question 3470 we wrote "Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that unmarried women living alone, should better recite Kiddush (on Shabbos morning) after they said some Brocho or Tefila.
However the daughters of one’s home since they also depend on their father and mother for eating the Shabbos Seuda, should wait with Kiddush until the parents recite."
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a.