R-e question 3744. I'm still confused. I understand from the answer that once a woman davens Shabbos morning she should wait to hear kiddush before eating. But is there a time limit as to how long she can drink and hold off with davening? if she wakes up late, say 11.AM, can she still drink before she begins to daven?
A. Poskim maintain that a woman who davens usually Shemone Esrei, should do so before the end of Z'man Tefilah (before 11.00 AM depending on the date. See Shulchan Aruch O.H. 89: 1). This tradition of davening Shemone Esrei, should be kept voluntarily, after expressing that it is 'Beli Neder'.
After the fact, if a woman is unable to daven before then, she may daven Shemone Esrei until Chatzos or midday (See Rav M. Feinstein quoted in Ko Somar l’Beis Yaakov, pg. 34); and Machazeh Eliyahu 19:5-14).
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a.