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Have a question? Send it in! Questions are answered by Rabbi Bartfeld.

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# 4018 The Tribe of the Bribe
Q. Dear Rabino and friend (This question was translated from Spanish). I have some questions on an area that I know you are very familiar with, from the days you were the Chief Rabbi in Mexico.

As you know, I'm a Shochet and also a Yeshiva teacher in the city. Recently as usual, I went to Shecht in the middle of the night (we ended about 3.00 AM) and as usual we don't clean at all at the abattoir as the bathrooms and showers are most disgusting and dangerous. We leave as we are dressed. I was dropped off by the Mashgiach driving me to my building, but he had to stop a block away since the road was being fixed. To my very bad Mazal, I was stopped by a police patrol that was shocked by my extreme bloody looks (clothing, face and hands). Then they searched the bag I was carrying discovering my huge bloody sharp knifes. As much as I tried to explain to them that I was a religious 'Matador' they totally did not believe me and were only ready to arrest me. Especially since they had recently, as is usual, encountered some severe stabbings in the neighbourhood.

What one usually does in any such situations is just take out some cash and bribe the officers. Again to my terrible Mazal, I had forgotten my wallet at home. Now as you well know, for anyone ending at a police detention jail in that city in the middle of the night, it means very likely the worst possible experience, that not only can involve severe beatings, but likely even terrible molesting, especially with my peyes and frum Jewish looks.

Then a miracle happened. By now it was a true Nes Godol. I remembered that I still had in my pocket an envelope, that a donor at davening had given me for the Yeshiva the last night. I offered it to the 'officers' and as usual they let me go.

I have a number of Shailes

Was it permitted for me to use that money that was given for Tzedaka? and what do I do to repay properly?

A. Horav Dovid Pam and Horav Aharon Miller Shlit'a maintain that since this was a case of Pikuach Nefesh or danger of life, it was permitted to use that money.

It suffices just to restore it to the target institution. Nothing has to be added.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller and Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit'a

Posted 12/8/2022 10:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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