Q. Can one that has the Minhag of drinking beer on Tu Bishvat for the mitzva of eating barley, comply by drinking the Unhuman Cannonball beer?
A. On question 4091 we were asked:
“Q. Can one that has the Minhag of drinking beer on Tu Bishvat comply by drinking some barley vodka?”
To what we answered: “Es Devarim (8: 8) mentions that Tu Bishvat is the day that marks the Rosh Hashana for trees. Wheat and barley, belong to that group. (See Nitei Gavriel – Purim 5: 2) he mentions that the Belzer Rebbe maintained that tradition). Although barley vodka is just a distillate of the barley and does not contain the direct parts of the barley, for this particular tradition it suffices.”
The Beer Merchants site tells the following:
“In early springtime every year, tonnes of incredible aromatic US hops are shipped from Yakima Valley in Oregon to the UK. To celebrate this wonderful annual event, Magic Rock decided 3 years ago to brew a beer that basically used all of them.
The resulting triple IPA is different every year (2014 was the best so far) but always has a huge tropical fruit and dank pine aroma, while being surprisingly smooth considering an IBU count well into the hundreds.”
Ones Kashrus considerations are met, It stands to reason that since it contains barley also, one does comply.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by, Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a