- Q. Dear Rabino amigo. As I have already mentioned, I have a brother that visited our family in a settlement close to Gaza before the massacre of Shemini Atzereth – Simchath Torah last year, and was actually shot by the Arab terrorists inside a house with that family.
When rescuers arrived they thought he was certainly dead, as the rest of the present there were, since he was shot a few times and was all covered in blood. However, a rescuer miraculously noticed he had a slight pulse and saved his life. When he was taken to hospital at a point he was also considered dead again, yet a very great and most dedicated nurse, Hashem bless her, saved again his life. Since then Be’H he has almost fully recovered.
When visiting those places where he was Be’H saved by true and real miracles, to see our family, does he have to say on each separate place the most unusual brocho of “Sheasa li Nes Bemakom Hazeh”, (Hashem made for me a miracle in this place) or just once for both places?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that in principle he should just recite the above brocho, when being and visiting the place where he was shot, since that was indeed a true and real miracle.
However, as far as to the hospital’s cure is concerned, it is as often is, commonly debatable if that healing is really a true real miracle, and in doubt it is better to avoid that particular and unique blessing.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by, Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a