Q. Thank you Rov Shlit’a, sorry to bother you again, it is still me and more in the list. I don’t understand. why is wet laundry muktza and yet the wet towels that one can still use when washing hands before a Shabbos meal are not?
A. Rema (O.H. 301: 46) rules that wet laundry is muktza since it is likely that one may forget Shabbos and wring it out to have it dry sooner.
However, towels or rags that are designed to absorb moisture are not, since that is their usual state to be partially wet (Mishna Berura (ibid 175 and others)
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by, Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a