Q. My wife recently went to the mikvah . she always gets her permanent eye lashes (last for 2-3 Months) redone every time she goes (even if they are looking ok). this time i noticed when she came home from the mikvah that some of the lashes had fallen off and i asked her about it. she said she couldn’t get an appointment to get them redone. she didn’t seem to mind them like that as she didn’t take them just all off . i felt that i shouldn't push further on the subject as she gets very defensive when it comes to these things. she also suffers a lot from mental health and things are strained enough at home .
Just wondering if i did the right thing and if there is anything i should bring up to her. just want to clarify that she always has these lashes on (it not a on and off thing).
Thanks a lot.
A. Horav Dovid Pam Shlit’a answered that even if she did not have her eye lashes redone, the rest would not be a chatzitza as it is not different from one that lost some of his own hair.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu Shlit’a and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit’a.