Q. Kvod Harav. An associate of mine, who has designed and implemented similar commercial selling merchandise and marketing programs, is trying to develop an AI program that will inspect all info available, accounts, mail, phone calls, etc. etc. and come up with a list of friends and contacts that the client could and should send Shalach Monos to during Purim.
The AI program itself, is to make things much easier following the programs understanding of the cases involved, would choose what to give, then purchase the items, ready kosher and appropriately prepared for sending for the mitzva, followed by how to send it and even instruct the proper Shaliach or agent to deliver it.
The above would tremendously increase not only the compliance of this mitzva, but also greatly implement and improve friendship and Ahavas Habrios so important during Purim.
A. Horav Slomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is to avoid using yet unproven AI methods, specially when they require such a large number of Halachic details to comply properly with the mitzva involved, and some are yet to be proven truly effective.
However, in the future undoubtedly, as history has repeatedly proven in other technical and science advances, some of the novel AI programs will be used in the compliance of mitzvos.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu, and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a