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#4954 Hayom Chamisho Yomim BeMayo?
- Q. Estimado Rabino - Hashem lo Bendiga- As you well know in our Spanish group there are some that celebrate Cinco de Mayo (the fifth day of May) and make a party for the family and kids and friends getting together and playing games. Is there a Halacha problem with it?

A. Cinco de Mayo is indeed a special day for Mexicans. In 1862, when Mexico was barely 40 years old as an independent country, it was invaded by maybe the most powerful military at the time: the French Imperial Army.

Since the US was in the middle of a Civil War, Emperor Napoleon saw it as a perfect opportunity to take over. His goal was to conquer Mexico City and create a huge empire that eventually would take over all the Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America.

Luckily, on May 5 when the French army arrived to Puebla, it came across a well-organized army, formed mostly by Indigenous people who were willing to defend Mexico at all costs. It resulted in an unexpected victory that saved Mexico from a brutal conquer.
The triumph over the better equipped and more numerous French troops was an enormous emotional boost for the Mexican soldiers led by Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza (from Rab. Google)

As mentioned in a number of Shailos our sages encouraged us to pray for the peace of the land (Pirkei Avos 3: 2, see question 2251). Since the above celebration is not a religious holiday at all, there is no reason not to enjoy the day.

Posted 5/6/2024 11:26 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (1)

I read this Teshuva to my Israeli Chareidi children. Their first reaction was, "And what about Yom Ha'Atzma'ut?"
What does the Rav say, and if there is a difference, what is it?

Posted: 5/11/2024 4:03:01 PM   by:   Mordechai
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