Q. Dear Rov, As you well know, I’m one of the younger mispalelim that attends your shul from time to time. If I earn some money during the summer by helping in boys camp I attend. Since I’m supported by my parents, do I have to give maaser to tzedaka?
A. On a similar question 2419 we wrote:
Q. A bachur who makes some money (such as when he leins or participates in a learning program) but is generally dependent on his parents for his sustenance, is he obligated to give maaser from the money that he makes?
A. Poskim mention that a bar mitzva bochur should begin giving maaser as he also complies with other mitzvos (Beorach Tzedaka 3: 7, quoting R”P Sheinberg and R”N Karelitz Shlit’a).
As far as he being considered an oni or poor and exempt from maaser, as mentioned in the prior question, Shulchan Aruch (248: 1) rules that everyone is obliged to give tzedaka, even one who himself depends on charity to survive. See also Orchos Rabbenu (3: p. 138) quotes Chaye Adam (p. 295: 5) and Chazon Ish, assert that even the impoverished that survive by receiving tzedaka are obliged in the mitzva of tzedaka.
However. Mishne Halochos (2: 152) relieves an oni from giving maaser. Beorach Tzedaka (ibid.) maintains that most Poskim exempt him from giving maaser.