- Q. Why is the Parsha this week called Korach? How can we use the name of a Rasha (evil person) for a Parsha title?
A. The Talmud (Baba Basra 74a and Sanhedrin 110a) mentions that the sons of Korach and according to some Korach himself survived and are constantly claiming that “Moshe Emes Vetoroso Emes, Vaanachnu Badoin” Moshe told the truth and they lied.
So in the end they became Baalei Teshuva. We also have a number of Tehilim psalms that carry the name of the sons of Korach (42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49).
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a added that others also used that name.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Yaakov Hirschman, Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu and Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a.