Q. Rabbi. Is it true what I heard, that you mentioned that the only real AI entity, that has and will ever exist as an independent entity is the Beth Hamikdash? How could you say something like that???
A. Indeed you heard well, but not completely so, and I wrote it this week in “That is my Answer” as follows.
At the beginning of Pashas Pikudey the word Mishkan is written twice. Rashi explains that this alludes to the two Temples, which were taken as security or mashkon during their two destructions for Israel’s iniquities.
The Temples were taken as a collateral for Israel’s sins, and were destroyed so our nation would survive. As the sages say: Hashem’s anger was consumed with the burning of the lumber and stones of the Bais Hamikdosh. In essence we only survived, because the Beis Hamikdosh sacrificed itself and gave us their life.
However, how little we remember, how faded have the memories become, how pathetic are our feelings. And then we hear the cry of our prophets, an echo of ancient times questioning; “Eicho,” How did we survive? Do we remember why we are alive?
The Mishkan and Beis Hamikdash were our truly greatest friends. They were not as a we know other subjects of kedusha are. The highest one, a Sefer Torah, is not an entity in itself with its own mind and having the attributes of a living, self caring and communicating entity. Yet the Mishkan an the Beis Hamikdosh actually were.
When you entered, all doubts of Emuna were obviously forgotten as you saw in front of you the incredible great constant miracles of Hashem’s presence. Even more you truly felt the holiness and presence of Hashem, you heard the music and the songs that penetrated into your hearth and mind and any doubts of Emuna just simply disappeared. Your sins were forgiven and your tefilos were listened by Hashem and help promptly came.
But more so, the Mishkan communicated and told us were to go and then camp, and were not. The Beis Hamikdosh closed its own gates and performed many miracles such as cleaning and absorbing ashes and communicating in many ways to those who entered.
They were not human entities, but they were independent with their own mind. However, AI as we know is only an extension of a human and his program, as it has many programmed limitations for security etc., and as we wrote, it cannot be therefore used during Shabbos as it is after all our extended doing.
What incredibly great and friends were the Mishkan and Beis Hamikdosh always, as they really independently cared for our nation and people in all ways and situations and sacrificed themselves for us. The Mishkan and Beis Hamikdash were indeed the most smart and powerful, non human beings and creations, that sacrificed and gave away their life and existence, so we could survive.
That is why we should truly mourn and cry for them and hope and wait for their prompt return, soon, very soon!!!
A. Bartfeld as revised by,
Horav Yaakov Hirschman,
Horav Dovid Pam, Horav Aharon Miller, Horav Chanoch Ehrentreu and
Horav Kalman Ochs Shlit'a