- Q. Rabino querido. You know my parents well, and following their advice, that is based on what you taught them many years ago to care for others and do mitzvot for their benefit.
I’m therefore learning to become a Baal Tokea and blow the shofar for a minyan of Baale Teshuva at the outskirts of Mexico City. The problem is that the friend teaching me to blow the shofar can only do it at night is that OK?
A. See question 858 and 859. Blowing shofar at night would depend on the opinions quoted. Aruch Hashulchan (581: 12) rules that one should not blow the shofar at night, even if his intention is only for learning.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion however is that you may blow at night the shofar for learning purposes.