- Q. Dear Rov this is a Shaila I‘m sure you will love and we need a real prompt answer. Today in the very early hours of the morning we became aware that Donald Trump won B’H the election. Two questions. 1) Do we say Tachanun this morning or do we treat the day as a Yom Tov and avoid it?
2) Should we make a Seudas Hoda’a or a festive meal to thank Hashem for His great kindness?
A. Although for many of us it is a real happy occasion, still you do recite Tachanun as you would in similar situations such as when a person has a miracle salvation, has or marries a child.
As far as making a Seudas Hoda’a, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that one should always be grateful and thank Hashem for all the acts of kindness and mercy He imparts to His people. On similar situations a kidush on Shabbos is customary for many.