Q. Is it proper for a real estate agent to solicit homes for purchase? Is it considered coveting your neighbours possessions etc...
A. Shulchan Oruch (Ch. M.359, 10) quotes the words of the Rambam (Gzeilah 1,3) that the prohibition of "Lo Sachmoid" and "Lo Sesaveh", "Do not covet and do not desire" apply when anyone who desires an item or house that belongs to his friend (and is not for sale), tries to think of ways to convince the owner using excessive pressure or undue persuasion. This proscription applies even when he is in the end convinced and sells willingly, and even if he is very generously compensated. (ibid.)
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a, is of the opinion that the above would apply also to a real estate agent, as he is desiring and coveting the money of his friend, in the form of the sales commission due to him. However, by asking only occasionally if he is interested in selling his property, he does not transgress any prohibition.(Yehuda Yaaleh C.M. 33 – Betzel Hachochmo 3,43, 10) The above only applies when the owner has no interest in selling the property. If it is for sale, but the prospective buyer is trying to get a lower price for the item, he is obviously permitted to do so.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a