Q. What is the minimum amount of money in Canadian funds to be considered matanot laevyonim today? Thank you.
A. Mishneh Beruroh (694,2) writes in the name of the Ritvo that even a prutah is enough for gifts for the poor, but one should preferable give an amount that the poor could really benefit from on Purim, whether money or food.
Shaarei Teshuvoh (ibid. 1, in the name of Chida, and many other Poiskim) advises to give enough to purchase three egg volumes of bread.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is that as of today (5772), a Canadian dollar would suffice, as you can purchase with it a bread roll to match that amount. This includes the now popular one dollar vouchers, even though the receiver obtains a little less than a dollar on exchange.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a