Q. On Rosh Hashanah night do you put salt on the chala together with the honey? If yes which is first?
A. There are a number of different minhoggim.
a) Immersing the chala slice in salt and then same side in honey (Kaf Hachaim 583: 4, Ktzei Hamateh ibid.). Immersing three times in salt and then twice in honey (Divrey Chaim – Munkatch). b) Dipping one side of the slice in salt and the other in honey (Shalmas Chaim 1:39) c) Dipping in salt and eating a kzais and then immersing in honey and eating again. (Taamei Hamihaggim 706). Some reverse this order (Reshimas Devorim 2 p.23) d) Eating two different slices of chala, first one dipped in salt, then another in honey. e) Some reverse the order (Shalmas Chaim 1: 346) f) Not to immerse in salt at all, however a salt container should be placed on the table. (Orchois Rabeinu 2 p.173, Nitei Gavriel 28:7:17)
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a advice is to follow your own family minhag.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.