Q. Is a plastic tablecloth which was cut from a roll on Shabbos (by a non Jew) muktzah?
A. It is prohibited to derive benefit from melochos done on Shabbos by a gentile, even if he was not instructed to do them, but he carried them out for the use of a Jew. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 325: 6-7, 276:1). If the Gentile cooked for the Jew, he would not be able to consume it and it would be muktze too (Mishna Berura 328: 58). One who cuts a tablecloth incurs on the Biblical prohibition of mechatech. (See. Minchas Shabbos 80: 162 ans Shmiras Shabbos Kechichoso 23: 16).
However in the case of a plastic tablecloth, Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is, that if already severed by the Gentile, it could be used, since no real benefit was gained by cutting it to size. This is due to two reasons;
a) it could be used even when not cut by letting the remaining attached roll rest on the floor.
b) You can still eat directly from the uncovered table. The plastic tablecloth is only essential for tidying and house cleaning purposes. The second reason will permit the use of the tablecloths, when several different tables were covered.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a