Q. I sent my Tefillin to a Sofer Stam in Toronto for checking almost a year ago. I have called 2x since sending it and have yet to speak to him, and only to his wife. I have not heard from him, and I miss my tefillin very much. I cannot manage to purchase another set at this time.... 4 months ago his wife said he has been very busy. I don't want to seem like a pest, but I am getting uneasy about this matter, and have almost spoke Lashon Hara about this. How do I approach this matter?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a recommended you should send him a written request for returning your Tefilin and keep a copy of it. Give him reasonable time to respond. If he does not respond by that time, begin by contacting the Rov of the Shul where he usually davens and presenting your complaint to him.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a