Q. I have noticed that at Mac's Milk there are machines which sell slurpy's. Above the machines there are certificates from MK (Montreal Kosher) which shows a list of flavors which are kosher.
The question is, being that the store is owned and managed by Nochrim and there are no mashgichim present, and it is open 24 hours a day and seven days a week, Is there any heter to drink these slurlpies? And if yes, why is this different that a Nochri inviting me to his house and giving me to drink flavoured ices and for him to tell me that it's kosher., does he have any ne'emanus?
This is extremely noge'a as many in thornhill drink this slurpies during the summer months, especially frum camps, schools, and families.
A. We send your query to MK and COR and hereby follows their reply;
Thank you for your email. Companies that are using these machines are legally bound to only use the flavors & product supplied by those companies who are supplying the machines. Spot inspections also take place to ensure that they are only using the correct product certified by ourselves.
Should the company be found in contravention, they would immediately lose the rights of using the machines and products
Below is a link to our article about "Slurpee" concerns. You should know that our experience has shown that Coke" and "Sprite" slurpees have never posed a problem. This is not to say that you should avoid the other recommended flavors.
In general there is less of a concern with contamination in a public/industrial setting then in one’s personal house.