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#349 Mental imaging of our needs before davening
Q. In book Otzerot Hatfila of Tzvi Nishri volume number 2, page 989, "Moshe Rabeinu zier le atzmo et bakashto".... per Rabbi Eliahu Lapian. So we should be imaging by our self our tefilah needs in order to get it answered. More about this in page 987. "Be rega she anu mezeierim biLvavanu at dvarim mathilim Shaarei Tfila Leipatah"

So my question is how to imagine what we need? And what is the correct technique of imagine?

If it is so important why does nobody (else) talk about it?

Do you know other books talking about imagination for tefilah?

A. Oitzrois Hatefiloh (p. 986) quotes from the Sheloh (Tomid) the problem that many face while praying, and that is concentrating on what we are saying and remaining focused while entreating Hashem. He offers an important solution and technique, and that is to use our power of imagination prior and at the time we pray. If a person can picture in his mind the problems and troubles that he faces and by creating those images he can awaken dormant deep feelings and emotions, then his tefiloh will emanate truly from the heart and not remain being simply insensate and numb words of the mouth expressions.

In the name of Rav Eliahu Lapian Zt"l he offers an answer to a puzzling detail in the prayer of Moshe when asking for Hashen to appoint a man over the congregation. He adds: "so that the congregation of Hashem will not be like sheep without a shepherd." Was he really trying to explain to the Almighty, the All-knowing how a leaderless nation looks like? Does Hashem require parables to better understand? Rather, he explains, Moshe Rabbenu was imagining to himself that painful scenario and thus enabling him to ask for His help with greater emotion and more profound feelings.

Actually, the material written on this topic as seen from different perspectives is extensive. A few examples: Remoh (O.H. 1: 1) on "Shivisi Hashem Lenegdi Tomid" and meforshim (ibid.) on imagining the name of Hashem in front of our eyes; Mishna Berura (74), in regards to seeing oneself standing in front of the Kodesh Hakodoshim while reciting the Amidah; Or Olam (p. 159) in the name of Ramcha'l, explaining the definition of Iyun Tefilah. Vayetze Yitzcok Losuach, p. 42 elucidating how one should bond Geulah to Tefilah by envisioning the "Crossing of the Sea" before beginning the Amidah; Droshois Eliezer p.153, quoting the Kuzari's explanation of the sin of the "Golden Calf"; Minchas Aviv, parsha's Ki Tissah on the same topic et. al.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld

Posted 8/2/2013 2:58 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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