Q. Is it better to make the bris in a shul or can it be done at home?
A. It is tradition to perform the bris milah in a shul or bais medresh (Remoh Y.D. 265: 11, quoting Maharil, see Tos. Pesachim 101a). Poskim mention as a reason; "berov am", to honor the mitzvah by carrying it out in the presence of a large number of attendants (Shulchan Aruch Horav 331: 8). Some found an allusion in the verse; (Shmuel 1:23:18) "And they made a covenant before Hashem" (Teshuv. HoRashbo 7:536).
However, other Poiskim mention the custom of purposely doing the bris at home in order to bring the presence of Eliahu Hanavi to ones abode (see Otzar Habris 1 p. 174).
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is to perform the ceremony preferable in a shul or other mokom kodosh, but when required, it can be done in any propitious venue.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a