Q. Is the kallah also forgiven for all her sins the day she marries or just the choson?
A. It is generally accepted, that forgiveness of sins applies equally to the bride as to the groom. This ensues, if the source for the above principle is the verse: (Bereshis 28: 9) "Eisov went to Ishmael, and he took Mahalas, the daughter of Ishmael, the son of Abraham". The fact that the posuk changes her name from Bosmas to Machalas, teaches us that she was granted mechilo and forgiveness to all her sins. (Yerushalmi Bikurim 3: 3, according to one version – Mate Moshe, Hachnosas Kalo 2, Nitey Gavriel, Nisuin 2: 55 note 24). Beer Maim Chaim (Bereshis 26:3) argues; if she is absolved, certainly he should also.
The fact that the kallah also fasts on the day prior to the chupa and recites viduy, would indicate that this is a day of atonement for her too (Shulchan Aruch E.H. 61: 1). So too, would be the reason given for absolution by the Maharal (Gur Aryeh, Vaishlach), namely, being recreated into a new being when you marry.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a