Q. (For receiving forgiveness on the day of the chupa), do you have to make teshuva?
A. Some authorities argue that if the reason for forgiveness is the total change and new creation of the individual at the time of his marriage (Maharal, see above question), it would occur even without teshuva. So too, it would seem from the source of Mochlas, Eisov's wife quoted above, since Eisav did not do teshuva (as seen from Rashi's commentary, Bereshis 29: 9. (Mevaser Tov 1 p. 4, Shimusho Shel Drosho, p. 304). This exoneration of this day, would then be similar to Rebbi's opinion on the atonement of Yom Kippur (Yuma 85b). Some argue that there is only a partial forgiveness without proper teshuvo or it applies only to precepts between the individual and Hashem and not l'chavero, to others (Imrei Emes quoted in Neimos Hachaim p. 223).
Although, it is often quoted in the name of the Chazon Ish that no teshuva is needed on this occasion, Orchois Rabeinu, (ibid.) quoting Horav Y. Kanievsky Zt"l, assures that this was never said. What the Chazon Ish meant was that there is propensity and Heavenly help on that day to do teshuva more than on any other occasion. Most authorities subscribe to the principle that the wedding day does not expiate without proper teshuvo.(R'Chaim Vital Zt'l , Chasam Sofer – Vayetze, Tosfos Chaim 132: 55, Halichos Shlomo – Moadim, Neimos Hachaim ibid., et.al.)
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.