On #544 (Do you put tzitzis on a flag you wrap yourself with it?)
Q. Doesn't a piece of clothing only require tzitzis when two corners are in the front and two corners in the back, whereas when one wraps oneself in a flag, all the corners are in the front?
A. Mishna Berura and Biur Halocho ((10: 12) mention that the requirement to have two tzitzis in front and two on the back and be surrounded by mitzvos (O.H. 8: 4) is only on the onset and it is not essential. As long as the garment could be worn in the preferred way you comply with the mitzvah and you have to place tzitzis. A flag, as you can ascertain from pictures taken, can be worn as a cape too.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a