Q. Although the Mishnah in Eiruvin says that the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is 3, there is a rumour that the Vilna Gaon discovered a remez for the true value of the ratio based on a Kri Uksiv in a verse that is mentioned both in Melachim and Divrei HaYomim. Does Rav Miller know where the Gra mentions this?
A. Nifla'os Mitoratecha (p. 157) quotes this from Perush Hagro on Melochim (1: 7: 23) regarding the "Yam shel Shlomo" and the word "Kav" written with a hey or as it is read, without. The division of the resulting gimatroyos are 111/106 (x3), which is very close to pi. However, all this is missing from the available perush (Mossad Horav Kuk). See also Kovetz Bais Aharon (year 18 p. 153) for other sources that attribute this to the Gaon of Vilna.
At least one author, namely Dafey Iyun (p.279) writes that he does not remember where this Gro is to be found.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a mentioned that some maintain that it may not be from the Gro at all, but rather from (lehavdil meoh havdolos) a Gentile.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a