Q. Sometimes there are only 9 people showing up at shul. The problem is that they lock the doors every hour on the hour so if we dont get a minyan, lets say at 8 AM, there is no chance to get a minyan since we have to leave by 9 AM.
Can we open the Aron Hakodesh? What is the halacha? Is there any leniency being that we are in jail?
A. Rav Huno (Brochos 47b) mentions that nine people and the Aron (Hakodesh) join together to create a minyan. However Rav Nachman questions the above saying: Is the Aron a person?
Indeed you cannot use the Aron Hakodesh as a tenth person for a minyan.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a suggested that even if you are unable to gather a minyan you should all daven in the shul provided and preferably maintain the Aron Hakodesh open during tefilah. This may help you pray with more intention and kavanah. Hashem should hear your tefilos.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised By Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a