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Halacha For Today: Monday, 24 Nisan 5772, April 16, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:


24 Nisan 5772;9th Day of the Omer; 41 Days Until Kabolas HaTorah

April 16, 2012



1) If one forgot to count Sefirah one night, he/she should count during that day (without a Bracha) and then can resume counting the following night with a Bracha.

However, if one didn't remember to count on that day and sunset of the next day arrived, he/she must count the remainder of the Sefirah days without a Bracha, and preferably hear the Bracha from someone else who is counting.

The above Halacha is only if you are certain that you forgot to count on one of the nights. However, if you are unsure (Safek) if you missed a night, you may continue the rest of the Sefirah counting with a Bracha. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 489:8. See also Mishna Berura S"K 38. For more details see Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 4 Siman 99:3 and Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak Vol. 9 Siman 57 and Kaf HaChaim Siman 489:82)

2) There is a debate amongst the Poskim regarding one who knows that he/she will miss one (or more) days of counting the Sefirah (due to being under the operating knife R"L , or any other reason) if they may begin counting with a Bracha in the first place (as there is an opinion in the Rishonim that one who misses one day of counting renders all his/her previous Brachos as Brachos L'Vatalah (L'mafrea), blessings in vain)

The consensus of most Poskim, however, is that one may indeed begin counting with a Bracha, and only after that day is missed, will they have to continue without a Bracha, but all the previous Brachos will not be rendered "in vain". (See Halichos Shlomo page 357, Shu"t Ohr L'Tzion Vol. 1 Siman 36. This is also the opinion of Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita and many other contemporary Poskim


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Is there any Halacha regarding women shaving their legs or plucking their eyebrows during Sefirah


Plucking the eyebrows, according to Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal and Rav Shmuel Wosner shlita is never a problem, as it isn't considered "cutting the hair" so it's permitted for all women all the time.

Shaving the legs, for married women is not a problem during Sefirah according to all opinions. For single girls, there are opinions that forbid it, but the majority of contemporary Poskim do allow it


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Ben Dovid (Mashiach) will not come until the redemption is despaired of (Talmud Sanhedrin 97a).

This seems to contradict all the sources which assert that we are never to lose hope in the arrival of Mashiach.

The above dictum should thus be interpreted as follows: Jews are misguided when they turn to the gentile nations for political, military or financial assistance in the redemption of the Holy Land. Mashiach will come only when we put our full faith in the Almighty and trust in Him to send the true redeemer, because we have given up all hope that the gentile nations will be our saviors.

Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky Zatzal as quoted in Sefer Torah Tavlin

Posted 4/19/2012 12:07 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Halacha For Today: Sunday, 23 Nisan 5772, April 15, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:


23 Nisan 5772;8th Day of the Omer; 42 Days Until Kabolas HaTorah

April 15, 2012



1) Once we start counting the second week of the Omer, when we count the weeks as well as the days, if you responded to the inquiry of "what night is tonight?" saying "Tonight is 9", as long as you didn't add the information "...Which is one week and 2 days" you haven't satisfied your obligation, and may go ahead and still count with a Bracha. (Mishna Berura Siman 489:22 and Sha'ar HaTziyun Os 28)

2) Therefore, if you tell someone on the night of the 33rd day of the Omer that "Tonight is Lag B'Omer", there is no need to worry, and you are still required to count the Omer with a Bracha. (This is a very common occurrence, and many mistakenly do not make a Bracha after it happens


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

If one is fleishig can he eat parve products made with dairy equipment?


If the parve food cooked in the dairy pot is not a davar Charif (sharp food such as an onion, garlic etc.) it may be eaten even though you are fleishig.

If the food, however, is a davar Charif it becomes milchig according to all opinions if the pot was used within the past 24 hours, and according to some opinions even if the pot was not used in tha past 24 hours, therefore it is best not to eat the food while you are fleishig. (Based on Pri Megadim brought in Darchei Teshuva Siman 89:42 and Yad Yehuda 89:5


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

HaRav Chaim Shmulevitz Zatzal explains the appellation of 'ben olam haba' (literally, a 'son of the World to Come').

A person who sees himself as temporarily displaced in this world, with his real home the World to Come, is a true ben olam ha'ba. For example, the Torah describes someone who is just temporarily visiting the Land of Israel as a ger toshav, i.e. a foreigner - for it is obvious that he is there only temporarily.

Similarly, one whose demeanor and behavior make it clear that he is only 'passing through' this temporal world is called a ben olam haba: a citizen of the World to Come.

Submitted by my dear Chaver R' Eli Nasson of

Posted 4/19/2012 12:03 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Halacha For Today: Thursday, 20 Nisan 5772, April 12, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:


20 Nisan 5772; 4th Day Chol HaMoed Pesach; Erev Shvi'i Shel Pesach; Eruv Tavshilin

April 12, 2012




Halachos for Thursday, Erev Shvi'i Shel Pesach

1) Sefiras HaOmer, the counting of the Omer, began on the second night of Pesach, and continues for 49 days until the Yom Tov of Shavuos.

L'Chatchila, the Bracha on the Sefirah, as well as the counting should be recited while standing. (See Mishna Berura Siman 489:6).

2) If the Sefirah was said while sitting, B'Dieved it is acceptable, and no re-counting is necessary.

This halacha applies to men and [those] women [whose minhag it is to count Sefirah,] alike. (In a few days we will discuss in more detail, whether women are obligated in this Mitzvah or not

Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Yom Tov of Shvi'i Shel Pesach

1) The counting of the Omer should preferably be done as soon as possible after nightfall (preferably the same amount waited after sunset after Shabbos to do Melacha, should be waited for the counting of Sefirah as well)

If one davens Maariv early, before the counting of the Omer will be possible, he should be extremely careful to have a system set up whereby he will remember to count the Sefirah when the proper time arrives.

2) It is a good idea to always count the Sefirah again during the day [without a Bracha], thus even if the counting was forgotten the night before, the day counting will suffice for the total counting of the 49 days and keep you "on track".

Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh

Yom Tov Achron Shel Pesach (Isru Chag in Eretz Yisroel)

1) During the first week of Sefirah, if it's after Sunset, and before you counted Sefirah, someone asks you "What night of Sefirah is it tonight?" you should respond by saying "yesterday's count was such and such" (e.g. on the 5th night of Sefirah say "yesterday was the 4th day of the Omer").

If you mistakenly answered "Tonight's count is such and such" , you may no longer recite that night's count with a Bracha, as your response to that person is considered an adequate "counting". (See Mishna Berura Siman 489:22, and Sha'ar HaTziyun Os 23 and 26)

The above applies even if you just said "Tonight is 6", and didn't say "Tonight is the 6th night of the Omer". (Mishna Berura Siman489:21)

2) However, if someone asks you the count, and you simply respond by saying "6", and don't preface it by saying "Today is", it isn't considered a count and you may go ahead and count again with a Bracha. (Mishna Berura 489:20


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Is one allowed to drink pure orange juice without a hechsher (Kosher Certification)?


Although it is best not to eat or drink any processed product that does not have a Hechsher, according to many Kashrus agencies, 100% pure Orange Juice made in the USA doesn't require a Hechsher, due to the fact that if it wasn't 100% pure orange juice, it would not be able to be called "juice" according to USDA standards.

It is still best to seek out a brand with a Hechsher and not rely on this, as it is hard to know which machines it was packaged in etc


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

The gemara (Succah 51) say that the Yetzer Hara is so powerful that without Hashem's help we could not overcome him. This is almost incomprehensible. If we are put in this world to fight the Yetzer Hara how could it be that without divine intervention we are destined to lose? Isn't the whole point of Bechira that we can, and must, win?

Rav Itzele Peterburger (Kochvei Ohr 9) explains that our mission in this world is to recognize Hashem in every aspect of our lives and make ourselves totally dependent on His help. When it comes to material help it is clear to us that we are powerless. After being around a little bit in this world, everyone with at least one eye in his head knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that Parnassa, health, and children are all the domain of Hashem alone, and all our effort cannot change anything.

However when it comes to Ruchniyos, spiritual survival and growth, humans are born with bechira or choice. We can choose to do the right thing or we can choose to do the wrong thing. We are like Hashem in that respect. Given this, a person will naturally come to view himself as independent of Hashem regardless of whether he chooses right or wrong. This goes against everything Hashem wants for us for our own good. It creates a separation between us and Him. Therefore Hashem created a Yetzer Hara that we cannot fight on our own. In order to win we must once again turn to Hashem and connect ourselves to Him through tefila, begging for assistance in this unwinnable battle. True we have a choice but even if we choose the side of good, we still need help and we will get it if we daven.

Oftentimes we see both in our own and in our children's lives that everything is going wrong. At every turn we are hit with bad "luck", driving either us or our children from the course we've chartered. Things seem to spiral out of control and we have no way out, a the Yetzer Hara has us bound and gagged. Left on our own devices we are doomed to falling through the abyss. Yet there is one place to turn, to Hashem. Just as Hashem set the table for our downfall, so too can he orchestrate our salvation.

No situation can't be undone with a few good moves on the chessboard. We can suddenly hear the magic words of inspiration, "find" the right mentor, or catch some other "lucky" break for a change, and just like that we pull ourselves out of the mud.

What's most heartening is that while we watch others fall and we think we are powerless to help, according to Rav Itzele's words this is completely wrong. If the key is Tefila and the other person has fallen too far to even daven for himself, we can can do it for him. Don't sit back and cry tears that fall to the ground. Send them up, and with these tears Hashem can very quickly turn things MeiAfeila L'Orah from darkness to light, U'Mishibud L'Geula and from being a trapped and lost soul to being free to soar. You can set the spark that will ignite a brilliant glow thar rises from the ashes.

Taken from

Posted 4/19/2012 12:01 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Halacha For Today: Wednesday, 19 Nisan 5772, April 11, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:


19 Nisan 5772; 3rd Day Chol HaMoed Pesach

April 11, 2012

Today's Halachos dedicated in honor of Dr. C.S., who celebrates a birthday today.

Happy Birthday!

May Hashem give you many more healthy years to grow in your Avodas Hashem, until 120. Hodu Lashem Ki Tov Ki L'Olam Chasdo



1) Fruit Picking is permitted on Chol HaMoed if the fruits are intended for consumption on Chol HaMoed.

However, there is no need to estimate how much will be eaten on Chol HaMoed, rather the fruits may be picked in abundance.

If the fruits are specifically being picked for use after Chol HaMoed, it is best for adults not to pick them.

Children, however, who are doing it mainly as an activity, may pick them even in such a case. (Psak of HaRav Yaakov Forcheimer shlita, Dayan in Lakewood NJ)

2) Driving a car is permitted on Chol HaMoed.

A car that needs [minor] fixing and is needed for Chol HaMoed, may be brought to a mechanic to fix on Chol HaMoed, with the following conditions:

If the mechanic is a Jew, he may not take payment for his services.

If the mechanic is a non-Jew, he may be paid for his services.

The "fixing" that is necessary may not be anything major, rather only "small jobs" such as batteries, jump starting, flat tires, etc. may be done on Chol HaMoed.

For larger jobs, that may be considered "Ma'aseh Uman- the work of a skilled worker" a Rav should be consulted before fixing.

If one is away from home on Chol HaMoed, and thus not fixing the car would entail a large expense, the rental of a different car etc., it is then considered a "Davar Ha'avud" and even a larger job may be given to a mechanic to fix. However, the services of a non- Jewish mechanic should be utilized.

A Rav should always be consulted in these situations as the halachos of "Davar Ha'Avud" are very delicate and are easily and too often abused beyond the Halachic allowances


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

If a person usually keeps Rabbeinu Tam's Zman (waits 72 minutes after sunset before doing Melacha) on Motzei Shabbos but didnt make a neder to keep it would it be an aveira to break shabbos before Rabbeinu Tam [and wait an earlier zman such as 60 or 50 minutes after sunset]?


If a person does a good thing(Hanhaga Tovah) 3 times, it is as if he/she made a neder to do this, and would need to be Matir Neder before stopping to do it.

Thus, if you kept Rabbeinu Tam's Zman, you must always keep it unless you are Matir the Neder.

Incidentally, after 120, if someone (G-d forbid) is judged to go to Gehinnom (hell), he/she gets a break from the punishment on Shabbos. When Shabbos is over, the torture continues.

When is Shabbos over for that person?

The Seforim say that the amount of time that one waited in this world, is the amount of time he/she gets the reprieve in the next world!

Every second of Gehinom is like years of suffering! So it is worthwhile to keep Shabbos until the latest Zman possible.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Something to think about...

The writings of the Ariza"l teach us that to know the point of connection of 2 things, you need to multiply them together.

We also know בניסן נגאלו ובניסן עתידין להגאל. The Geulah from Mitzrayim was in Nisan and the final Geulah will be in Nisan.

When we multiply the word פסח (which equals 148) with the word גאלה (which is how the word is spelled in the Torah, and equals 39), we get 5772.

(That's this year...)

Submitted by a daily reader, R.L

Posted 4/18/2012 11:59 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Halacha For Today: Tuesday, 18 Nisan 5772, April 10, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:


18 Nisan 5772; 2nd Day Chol HaMoed Pesach

April 10, 2012



1) It is prohibited to launder clothing on Chol HaMoed, by hand or via a washing machine.

However, [very] young children's clothing which often get dirty and soiled may be washed if necessary. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 534:1)

It is prohibited to add any adult clothing into the washing machine along with the wash that is being done for the children. (Psak of Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal)

Even for children, it is only permissible to wash those particular articles of clothing that are needed. (See Mishna Berura 534:11 and Aruch HaShulchan 534:8)

The age of the children whose clothing may be washed, is at most until age 6 or 7 years old. (Psak of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal in Shulchan Shlomo 534:3)

2) Polishing shoes, brushing a hat, spot cleaning a stain[that developed on Chol HaMoed] and simple ironing to remove wrinkles to make the clothing wearable for Chol HaMoed is permitted on Chol HaMoed, according to most Poskim. (See Rama Siman 541:3 and Mishna Berura S"K 9. See also Shulchan Shlomo 534:1 and Emes L'Yaakov Siman 534: footnote 489


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

If a person said hamotzi on bread and ate it then a few minutes later he throws it up does he recite Birchas Hamazon?


If you are certain that less than a Kzayis remains in your stomache, you do not bentch. If you are not sure, you also do not bentch.

The best thing to do is to eat another Kzayis and then bentch, or to listen to someone else bentch and be Yotzei with them. (See Kaf HaChaim Siman 184:34


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire.

You can't go anywhere until you change it"

Wise Man quoted in Torah Tavlin

Posted 4/18/2012 11:56 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Halacha For Today: Erev Shabbos Kodesh, 14 Nisan 5772, April 6, 2012‏
Halacha For Today:

Erev Shabbos Kodesh

14 Nisan 5772;Erev Pesach;Ta'anis Bechorim

April 6, 2012





Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh; Erev Pesach

1) Shulchan Orech: The festive Yom Tov Seudah is eaten.

Some people have the custom to eat the entire Seudah B'Heseiba, while leaning, especially when eating Matzah. (As the Rama Siman 472:6 rules that L'Chatchila this should be done.)

However, nowadays, the prevalent minhag is not to lean while eating the Seudah. This was the minhag of the Chazon Ish, the Steipler Zichronam L'Vracha and many other Gedolim.

It is customary to eat eggs [especially the egg from the Ke'arah, the Seder plate] at the beginning of this Seudah, to commemorate the Korban Chagigah that was brought on Pesach, and also as a subtle sign of mourning that we don't have the Bais Hamikdash in which to bring the Korban Pesach. (And thus Pesach and Tisha B'Av always fall out on the same day of the week each year.) (See Rama Siman 476:2 and Mishna Berura S"K11)

It is important not to overeat at this Seudah, in order to still have an appetite for the eating of the Afikomen. (Rama Siman 476:1)

2) Tzafon: After the meal is eaten, the half of the middle Matzah that was put away after "Yachatz" is taken out and eaten for "Afikoman" (Literal translation of the word Afikoman, is "dessert" in ancient Greek) (Shulchan Aruch Siman 477:1)

A minimum of a Kzayis of Matzah must be eaten for Afikoman. L'Chatchilah, many people are careful to eat an additional Kzayis of Matzah, one Kzayis commemorating the Korban Pesach and the other Kzayis commemorating the Matzah that was eaten along with the Korban Pesach. (See Mishna Berura Siman 477:1)

Women are obligated to eat Afikoman just as men are. (See Mishna Berura Siman 477:2)

If there isn't enough from the broken middle Matzah to give all present a Kzayis, other Matzah may be used as necessary, as the Mitzvah is to eat Matzah, not necessarily from that actual one.

L'Chatchilah, Afikoman must be eaten B'Heseibah, while leaning. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 477:1)

After the Afikoman is eaten no other eating or drinking is allowed, besides for water [or similar watered down drinks], as the taste of Matzah is required to remain in the mouth. (See Mishna Berura Siman 478:2)

Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh, First Day of Pesach

1) Barech: The third cup is poured, and Birchas Hamazon is recited. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 479:1)

After Birchas Hamazon, the Bracha of Borei Pri Hagafen is recited followed by the drinking of the wine, B'Heseibah, while leaning. (ibid.)

No Bracha Achrona is recited on this cup of wine, as the Bracha Achrona that will be recited after the fourth cup will cover this one as well. (See Mishna Berura 479:4)

2) Hallel: The fourth cup of wine is poured, and Hallel is recited, preferably while holding the cup of wine. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 480:1 and Mishna Berura Siman 473:77)

An additional cup of wine, referred to as "Kos Shel Eliyahu, Elijah the prophet's cup" is also filled before the Hallel is recited. This is to signify our belief that just as Hashem redeemed us from Egypt so too will He soon send us Eliyahu Hanavi to inform us of the imminent redemption from this, final, exile. (Mishna Berura Siman 480:10)

Hallel at the Seder is recited while sitting down, unlike other times when Hallel is recited standing. (See Mishna Berura Siman 480:1)

After Hallel, we recite the Bracha of Borei Pri Hagafen (Some Sephardim do not recite the Bracha of Hagafen here, following the ruling of the Bet Yosef) and we drink the fourth cup of wine, B'Heseibah, while leaning. It is important to drink at least a Revi'is so a Bracha Achrona can be recited afterward. (Shulchan Aruch and Rama Siman 480:1)

Halachos for Sunday, 2nd Day of Pesach

1) Nirtzah: This is the finale of the Seder where special liturgies (such as Echad Mi Yode'ah, Keil Bnei, Chad Gadya) are recited praising Hashem and extolling the virtues of Klal Yisroel as well as expressing a yearning for the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash. Many of these have powerful kabalistic meaning and powers. (See Aruch HaShulchan Siman 480:3. See also Yosef Ometz Siman 792)

2) Many have the custom to recite the entire Shir Hashirim, with joy and feeling, after finishing the Hagaddah, and this is a very praiseworthy custom. (See Chayei Adam Klal 109 and Siddur Ya'avetz)



Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

I have a product in my fridge called "All Whites" 100% liquid egg whites certified by the O.U. By the nutrition facts the ingredients read: 100% liquid egg whites. It appears that nothing has been added, just the yolk has been taken away. Would this be considered as leaving eggs with out the peel overnight? I haven't used it yet but some people in my family did, if its a problem what should they do?


According to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal, there is no problem at all with eggs that were manufactured specifically to be used for extended periods of time (such as for commercial use or in your case a container of eggs meant to be stored and used for more than one use) and you may safely eat them and not worry about any danger.

Only if you crack or peel an individual egg and leave it overnight is there a reason for concern. (Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah Vol. 3 Siman 20


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

The items on the Ki'ara (seder plate) represent the middos of Hashem. The Z'roa and Beitza represent Hashem's kindness and strength. The Maror situated smack in middle of the Ki'ara represents the Midda of Tiferes, elaborate and glorious. Maror is bitter. Maror has the same gematria as Maves, death. What is so glorious about bitterness and death? Why is it in the center spot?

Rav Shimshon Pincus Zatzal explains that Hashem's abundant kindness may be more desirable to us, yet it may not be the best thing for us. If we have everything and need nothing then we will not realize that we are dependent on Him. Since our relationship with Hashem is our lifeline and our reason to exist, overwhelming kindness can be fatal. It can cause the severing of our bond with Him and terminate our existence. The same would result if we lived forever. One of the things that keeps us connected to Hashem no matter what, is the fact that one day, life will end and we will need to stand before Him and give an accounting of all our lifetime actions.

When a father gives his child a new bike because he wants his child to be happy, we call that kindness. This kindness can result in a happier more loyal child and it can also be the source of great tragedy. When a father gives his child a punishment for crossing the street without looking, he saves his life. That is glorious beauty. Hashem's Chesed starts off the Ki'ara because that is a fantastic way to start. But the Maror is the glue in the middle. It holds us together. It doesn't get more glorious than that!

Submitted by a daily reader; Taken from

Posted 4/18/2012 11:52 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Thursday, 13 Nisan 5772, April 5 2012

Halacha For Today:


13 Nisan 5772 ; 2 Days Until Pesach

April 5, 2012

Today's Halachos dedicated by daily reader, S.Y.D., L'Zeceher Nishmas her dear father

Shmuel ben Gavriel A"H

whose Yahrtzeit is today, 13 Nisan.

May his Neshama continue to climb higher and higher in Gan Eden and may he be a Meilitz Yosher for his entire Mishpacha.



1) Maror: The "bitter herbs" are eaten to commemorate the bitterness that our ancestors endured at the hands of the Egyptians.

The proper vegetable to use for Maror is a subject of debate amongst the Poskim, as today we aren't knowledgeable in the many species of plants that the Talmud discusses. (See Chayei Adam Klal 130:3)

The prevalent custom is to use Romaine lettuce and/or horseradish (which when grated is extremely "bitter").

Some Poskim say it's good to mix the grated horseradish with the romaine lettuce, while some Poskim say it is better to avoid mixing the two and better to eat them independently. (See Halichos Shlomo Perek 9:48)

2) Korech: A Kzayis of Matzah is eaten together with a Kzayis of Maror; a fulfillment of the sage Hillel's understanding of the Posuk (Shmos 12:8)"U'Matzos Al Merorim Yochluhu". (See Mishna Berura Siman 475:16)

Some people dip the Maror of Korech into Charoses while others have the custom not to; each person should hold onto their own custom. (Mishna Berura Siman 475:19)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

It will be greatly appreciated, if you can explain me the difference between ma'aser and tzedaka.

I separate 10% of my income (after tax) and give it to yeshivas, to funds for needy, etc. What is it - ma'aser or tzedaka?


Tzedaka is charity that every Jew is commanded to give. there is no set amount to give, rather one should give what he/she can whenever the need arises to help another Jew.

Tzedakah can also be done by other means besides money. Giving a poor person a bite to eat is Tzedakah. giving an unemployed person a job is Tzedakah. teaching someone a trade is Tzedakah and so on.

Ma'aser is specifically giving a set amount of ones income (or grain, or animals) to specific people. certain ma'aser was given to the Kohen while others were given to the Levites. Ma'aser Kesafim is given to poor people or worthy institutions etc.

when giving Ma'aser one can also satisfy the obligation of Tzedakah, but it is its own obligation as well.

Please see archives: Hilchos Ma'aser Kesafim for more.

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

The son of the Ba'al Hasulam (Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag) wrote Ma'amarim for his talmidim. The following was written for Pesach :

"Pesach" is called so because Hashem "jumped over the houses of the bnei Yisrael when he smote the Mitzri'im". In Avodas Hashem, "Yisrael" symbolizes our "Aliyos" i.e. where we succeed in serving Hashem, and the Mitzri'im symbolize the Yeridos which occur in between each Aliyah.

He explains that Pesach symbolizes how Hashem "Kills" our Yeridos, and jumps over them to gather together all of our "aliyos". He then puts the Aliyos all together, and in the merit of them all, we are zoche to leave Mitzrayim - i.e. the bondage of the "self".

After this he writes as follows:

Therefore, we need to learn from this that a person should never look at his "Yeridos" - that he always falls from his spiritual state, but rather he should look only at his aliyos. And therefore, when he sees that he is in a state of shiflus (degration), he should not despair, but rather strengthen himself above his understanding and go back up. And let him not look at his past and say that "since until now I thought I had already come to an understanding that it's not worthwhile to give in to my selfish desires, and yet I still see that right away I lose this state of mind", if so, a person asks himself, "what is the use of my "aliyos" if each time I go up I need to fall? What do I gain from this?"

And the answer is (as the Pasuk says), "and the Jewish people moaned from the difficult labor and their supplications went up to Hashem". This is to say that their "awakening below" brought Hashem to kill the Egyptians, and therefore only the Yisrael were left (i.e. the aliyos), and all the aliyos were gathered together to one big cheshbon, one after another, and through this they had a large vessel to receive the divine blessing (of the redemption)... And from this we see that no good we do is ever lost...

In continuation of this idea, he also writes about the inyan where Hillel used to eat the Korbon Pesach together with the Matza and Maror. Maror symbolizes the bitterness of the struggle with the Yetzer Hara/Self, and Matza is a lashon of "Matzusah" - which means "an argument", i.e. the argument that we have with Hashem when we ask him why he made it so hard for us to let go of the "self".

We eat this bitterness (the Marror) and this argument with Hashem (the Matza) - together with the "Pesach" (i.e. the Aliyos and closeness with Hashem - as explained above), because it is only through the bitterness we felt - and the questions that we had about "why it is so hard", that we are zoche in the end to real closeness to Hashem.

It is precisely through the difficulties we experienced that we ultimately come to the realization that we cannot do it on our own, and through this, we develop the proper vessels and cry out to Hashem and finally He saves us from the bondage of our "selves".

Submitted by a daily reader; Taken from The Guard Your Eyes website.

Posted 4/4/2012 6:56 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Wednesday, 2 NIsan 5772, April 4 2012
Halacha For Today:


12 Nisan 5772 ; 3 Days Until Pesach

April 4, 2012

Don't forget Birchas Ha'Ilanos!

Click Here to find a fruit tree near you

List courtesy of Misaskim organization.



1) Rachtzah: The hands are washed And the Bracha of "Al Netilas Yadayim" is recited in preparation to eat the Matzah.

Even though the hands were already washed earlier by Urchatz, we wash again in case we may have touched an unclean area between then and now. (See Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 475:2 that in any case the first washing will not work for the Matzah)

Some Poskim say that it is proper to deliberately touch a covered area before this washing to ensure that the washing is necessary and a Bracha is permitted to be recited. (See Biur Halacha Siman 475:1. See also Halichos Shlomo Perek 9:38)

2) Motzi-Matzah: The Matzah is eaten; a fulfillment of the biblical commandment to do so on this night.

It is proper to specifically have in mind, and to tell everyone in the household as well to have in mind, before eating the Matzah that what we are about to do is a fulfillment of the positive commandment to eat Matzah. (The reason for this is that Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavanah, Actions alone without having in mind what we are doing do not work when it comes to biblical commandments; See Shulchan Aruch Siman 60:4)

If this "thought" was not had, according to many Poskim B'dieved it is acceptable and no additional Matzah must be eaten, especially if the Bracha was recited with Kavanah and the Matzah was eaten B'Heseibah; other Poskim require another Kzayis to be eaten without a Bracha. (See Mishna Berura Siman 475:34 and Biur Halacha Dibur Hamaschil Aval for more about this.)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

I know that one should do negel vasser in the morning before doing anything else, but what if one has to use the restroom? He is not allowed to say a bracha while having the urge to go to the bathroom but he also can not go to the bathroom without washing his hands first. What should he do?


I am not sure which specific Bracha you are referring to.

Modeh Ani may be said before washing Negel Vasser.

One should wash Negel Vasser and then use the restroom, and only after washing the hands (again) after using the restroom may the Bracha of Al Netilas Yadayim, Asher Yatzar and the rest of Birchas HaShachar be said.

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Hashem promised that Bnei Yisroel would leave Mitzrayim with great wealth. Why "borrow" it from neighbors? Could Hashem not figure out, among all his other miraculous wonders, a way for them to get it outright?

True it was never going back to the Mitzriyim but why have this debt hanging over their heads? Besides Chazal tell us that these riches were their salary that they were owed for all the years of work.

The Chidushei HaRim answers that these were poor deprived people living like slaves for generations. Too much money is no good for anyone and certainly not the instant wealth that this windfall created.

Hashem used this borrowing scheme as a psychological tool to help keep Bnei Yisroel well grounded. True they got all the money and finally tasted the feeling of being rich but on the other hand they would not get too comfortable since they knew that it wasn't really theirs and they would have to give it back. (Hagadah Otzar HaMedrashim)

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Posted 4/3/2012 9:27 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Tuesday, 11 Nisan 5772, April 3 2012
Halacha For Today:


11 Nisan 5772 ; 4 Days Until Pesach

April 3, 2012



1) Magid: The recitation of the Hagadah; a fulfillment of the biblical commandment of "Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim", the retelling of the story of Hashem's taking the Bnei Yisroel out of the bondage of Egypt. Additionally, it is the retelling of how Hashem made us into a holy nation, His children, as stated in the Posuk (Devarim 14:1) Banim Atem L'Hashem Elokeichem, you[the Jewish people] are children to Hashem your G-d.

One who relates the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim with joy and delight is sure to delight with the Shechina in Olam Haba. At the time that Hashem hears His children retelling the story, He gathers all the heavenly bodies and He tells them "Go and listen to my children praising me and delighting in the story of how I redeemed them!" (Zohar HaKadosh Parshas Bo)

2) Women are obligated in the Mitzvah of "Sipur Yetziyas Mitzrayim" as they too were part of the miracle of the redemption. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:14)

If a woman cannot recite the entire Hagadah (due to being otherwise occupied with the children or other valid reasons) she should at a minimum recite the following parts: Kiddush, Avadim Hayinu, "Pesach, Matzah and Maror" until Go'al Yisroel and the recital of the ten Makos, plagues. (Mishna Berura Siman 473:64. See also Siddur Ya'avetz.)

Of course, the children should participate to the best of their ability in the recital of the Hagadah, and the adults should gear the "flow" of the evening to the level of the children, as the Torah specifically commanded (Shmos 13:8) "V'Higadta L'Vincha Bayom HaHu, and you shall relate [the story of Hashem's redeeming us from Egypt] to your child on that day [Pesach]".

It is a Mitzvah to give out sweets and treats to the children in order to keep them awake and active during the Seder so they will ask about all the interesting things that are going on during the Seder.

The proper way of retelling the story of Yetziyas Mitzrayim is via "Question[from the children] and Answer [from the parents], thus it is not proper to put the children to bed immediately after "Mah Nishtana" before their questions are answered and they get a grasp of the miracles that Hashem performed for our ancestors on this night. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:16 and Mishna Berura S"K 50)

The Hagadah is not recited B'Heseiba, while leaning, rather it is said with reverence and awe while sitting properly. (Shla Hakadosh quoted in Mishna Berura Siman 473:71)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

I once learned that if a person has trouble sleeping, reciting the first parasha krias shema repeatedly is a remedy for this problem. Is this a minhag or a halacha? I have many sleepless nights. How many dozens of times should I be reciting the first parsha of krias shema?


True, the Rama (Siman 239) does say that one who has a hard time falling asleep should repeat the first Parsha of Shema ,"V'Ahavta Es..." over and over until he/she falls asleep. (Without the first Posuk of Shma ,which should never be repeated over and over. See Mishna Berura on the above Rama).

The Rama doesnt say how many times to do this, he just says "many times". The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (Siman 71:4) says to do this until you fall asleep.

Other things the Poskim say to do for insomnia is say various other Pesukim or think about a Torah topic.

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Chazal tell us that chometz or Se'or SheBiIsah is the Yetzer Hara (Brachos 17a). Pesach is the time of year that we rid ourselves of him and his evil completely. This begs the question of why is it that we stay away from Chometz for only seven or eight days a year, why do we ever get near that stuff?

The Baalei Mussar say that Matza is called "Nahama D'Asvusa" the bread that cures us. They explain with the following Mashal.

When a baby is born it drinks only the milk of its mother. Mother's milk is completely sterile and loaded with all the vital nutrients that a baby needs during the critical early period of its life. Why then are babies eventually weaned and start to eat other foods that are less than perfect? The answer is that while mother's milk is wholesome and pure it is only a short term solution. In the long term a person needs other nutrients to grow. These nutrients can be found only in foods that are not 100% perfect. But in order to grow to be a perfectly normal functioning adult one needs these nutrients as well and has to find a way to eat them safely. One's diet must be balanced in order to derive benefit from the foods without being harmed. We must choose our foods with the aim to eat the ones that provide us benefit not the ones that give us pleasure or else we will get harmed.

So too while living in a sterile atmosphere is important to cure us and recharge us for seven days a year, living in this environment is not our mission in life. We can't live without a yetzer hara. We are here to stand toe to toe with him and face up to his challenges. This is the purpose of our being in this world. Sure it's safe and cozy on the home front basking in the glow of Pesach but that is not where the battle is won or lost. After our furlough we must go wage war in the trenches. We must eat the chometz and draw out all the benefits and not let it kill us. We must find in our worldly and mundane lives ways to serve Hashem and not fall into the traps in this world. We need to remember that everything here is a tool to reach Olam Haba and not for our own pleasure. Only then can we grow and come back next year to another homecoming celebration where Hashem will once again lovingly care for us and feed us Matza to cure all our injuries and ailments that we suffered in battle throughout the year.

It is not for nothing that Chazal say that Hashem said "Tov" after creating of the Yetzer Tov and when he created the Yetaer Hara Hashem expressed his satisfaction with words Tov M'Od . So enjoy your Pesach "vacation" and eat your Matza because right after Yom Tov is over the Yimei Tov M'Od begin. it's back to business and time to deal with the Chometz.

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Posted 4/3/2012 9:28 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Monday, 10 Nisan 5772, April 2 2012

Halacha For Today:


10 Nisan 5772

April 2, 2012



1) Yachatz: The middle of the three Matzos is broken in half; the bigger half is put away and will be eaten later on for Afikoman.

One reason for this broken Matzah is to signify "Lechem Oni, poor man's bread", as Matzah is referred to in the Posuk (Devarim 16:3), which is usually a broken piece rather than a whole loaf, to commemorate the Jews' slavery in Mitzrayim. (Mishna Berura Siman 473:57 based on Talmud Pesachim 115b)

Another reason cited for this "splitting" of the middle Matzah is to commemorate the "splitting" of the Yam Suf (known as the Red sea, which is probably an inaccurate translation, as it should properly be translated as "the Reed sea" or "The sea of Reeds"; see Rashi to Shmos 13:18) and the Yarden which took place on Pesach. (See Da'as Zekeinim L'Ba'alei Tosefos Shmos 12:8)

2) Some people have the custom to take the half of the Matzah that was broken off for Afikoman and place it on their shoulders or on their backs [and walk around the table] to commemorate the Bnei Yisroel leaving Mitzrayim carrying [what turned into] Matzah, [as well as other packages] on their backs. (Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 473:35 says "their backs" and Mishna Berura Siman 473:59 says "their shoulders")


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Is one required to give ma'aser from money that was received as a present?


Yes, Maaser should be given from money received as a gift. ( Rabbeinu Yonah in Sefer HaYirah. See also Sefer Peleh Yoetz in the "Maaser" chapter)

When one gives maaser his/her money becomes blessed and will increase as it says in the Torah "Aser T'Aser" and Chazal learn that one who gives maaser properly will become wealthy. Thus, when you give maaser from your gift, you aren't diminishing your gained money, rather you are increasing the gift's value.

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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos learned.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

In Dayeinu we say that had Hashem brought us before Har Sinai but not given us the Torah it would have been sufficient. What would be the point? Why are we so quick to forgo the torah and its mitzvos?

The Otzar Divrei HaMeforshim brings the Maharal Tzintz answers that the remez to 613 mitzvos is from the pasuk Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe. Torah is b'gematria Taryag/613. The gemara ask that torah only equals 611. It answers that Moshe gave 611, while the other two, Anochi and Lo Yihiyeh, Hashem said on Har Sinai Himself.

The Maharsha says that within the two mitzvos of Anochi and Lo Yihiyeh are included all the other 611.

Therefore if Hashem had brought us to Har Sinai and told us those two mitzvos but Moshe would not have given us the torah, it would have been sufficient.

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Posted 4/1/2012 6:22 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Sunday, 9 Nisan 5772, April 1 2012

Halacha For Today:


9 Nisan 5772

April 1, 2012



1) For the washing of "Urchatz" it isn't necessary for women to remove their rings (as is recommended when washing for bread, see Mishna Berura Siman 161:19) as by "Tibul B'Mashkeh" since many people do not practice it year round, we do not impose stringencies on the women this night. (See Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Dvar Halacha footnote 53)

If one mistakenly recited the bracha of "Al Netilas Yadyim" on the washing of "Urchatz", it is possible that he may not require a new washing when it comes to "Rachtzah" later on in the Seder.

Thus, the best thing to do is to use the restroom or otherwise touch a covered part of the body or scratch the scalp in order to necessitate a new washing with a Bracha for the Matzah. (Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Perek 9:26)

2) Karpas: A vegetable (celery, potato, scallion, or other "Ha'adama" vegetable, depending on each family's minhag) is dipped in saltwater and eaten.

When reciting the Bracha of "Borei Pri HaAdama" on the Karpas one should specifically have in mind that this Bracha should exempt the Maror that will be eaten later on. (See Mishna Berura Siman 473:55)

If one did not specifically have this in mind, the Bracha still works to exempt the Maror and no new "Borei Pri HaAdama" is made when eating the Maror.

The prevalent custom is to eat less than a Kzayis of Karpas. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 473:6 and Mishna Berura S"K 56.)

The Gaon of Vilna ruled like the Rambam that a Kzayis is indeed required, and those who follow the Gra's minhagim do take a Kzayis

However, even if a Kzayis is eaten no Bracha Achrona is recited, as the Birchas Hamazon later on will exempt this eating as well. (As quoted in Ma'aseh Rav. This was also the minhag of the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rav Zichronam L'Vracha)

The prevalent custom is to eat the Karpas without Heseiba, leaning.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

If I put money in a pushka that I keep at home, and then submit it to the tzedaka organization a few months later when it's full, have I fulfilled the mitzvah of giving tzedaka each day, or only when I give the money to the organization?


Your question is a difficult one, and one that the Poskim deal with. The question is if by placing it in the Pushka it is merely considered that you said "Harei Zu L'Tzedakah" which is basically a Neder to give tzedaka, but not an actual giving of the Tzedakah, or is it already as if it is "in the hands of the Gabbai Tzedaka" and thus you were Mekayem your Mitzvah. ( This would have reverse ramifications as well, if for example one wanted to "borrow" some money from the Pushka. See Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 259:1)

The best thing to do is to make a "Tnai" (stipulation) saying that you want your Pushka to be Koneh the money for the organization, and thus it would be a Kiyum of Tzedakah according to all opinions.(This stipulation would work in the reverse as well, if you dont want it to be Koneh until you transfer the funds to the organization. See Derech Emunah from Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, Hilchos Matnas Aniyim Perek 8 Ha'arah 121)

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May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

"Every man dies.

Not every man really lives."

-Wise Man -

Posted 4/1/2012 12:30 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Erev Shabbos Kodesh, 7 Nisan 5772, March 30 2012

Halacha For Today:

Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parashas Tzav; Shabbos HaGadol

7 Nisan 5772

March 30, 2012




Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh

1) When doing Heseiba, the proper time for leaning begins after the Bracha has been recited on the wine (or the Matzah), but during the recital of the Bracha one should not lean, as it isn't respectful to recite a Bracha while leaning. (See Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Perek 9:20 and footnote 44)

2) Women are not obligated to lean, though many have the custom to do so. (Rama Siman 472:4)

Although women need not lean, they should be seated when drinking the Arba Kosos (as well as when eating the Matzah or any other foods that require Heseiba for men) as if they are standing there is a possibility that they have not satisfied their obligation.

Additionally, even women that do not lean should try to have a comfortable chair as their expression of "freedom". (See Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Perek 9:19 ands Moadim U'Zmanim Vol. 3 Siman 257)

Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh

1) Urchatz: Washing of the hands without reciting a Bracha.

The reason for this washing is due to a Halacha which for some reason has been forsaken by most people throughout the year, known as "Tibul B'Mashkeh". (See Taz Siman 473:6)

"Tibul B'Mashkeh" is literally translated as "dipped in a liquid", and refers to the halachic requirement to wash ones hands before eating any food that is wet with one of the following seven liquids: Wine, Bee's Honey, Olive oil, Milk, Dew, Blood, and Water. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 158:3. The acronym for these seven liquids is YaD (Yayin, Dvash) SHaCHaT(Shemen, Chalav, Tal) DaM(Dam, Mayim)

Thus, being that we are about to eat Karpas, a vegetable dipped in [salt] water, we must first wash our hands.

2) There are various explanations given to explain why many otherwise G-d fearing Jews are not stringent with this Halacha nowadays, which we will not get into at this time, but on the night of the Pesach Seder when we all endeavor to do everything properly and be on a loftier level than usual, all people are careful with this washing.

Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal explains that the reason this washing is referred to as a command, "Urchatz, and you shall wash" rather than the simpler "Rachtzah, washing" is due to the fact that this Halacha is overlooked the rest of the year by many people, so we need to "command" everyone to do it on this night.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

Should a Shliach Tzibur make a bracha on the shul's Talis before davening Mincha?


The Mishna Berura (Siman 14:11) rules that when a Shatz puts on a Shul Tallis to daven for the Amud he makes a Beracha. The reasoning is that the Shul tallis belongs to everyone, and thus it is "your" Tallis and requires a Bracha.

However, the Biur Halacha (Dibur HaMaschil "Sh'Alah") brings a few opinios that perhaps one does not make a Beracha on a Shul Tallis, especially if he isn't wrapping himself in it/putting it over his head, as then it is only being done for kavod Hatzibbur and not for Mitzvah of Tzitzis, as well as some other reasons.

Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal (Halichos Shlomo Vol. 2 Perk 1 Ha'arah 2) says that the minhag is not to make a bracha on a shul Tallis. He says that even those that are machmir by Shachris and Mincha, still do not make a Bracha by Maariv.

Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita says that it is best to have in mind when donning the Shul Tallis that you don't want to be "Zoche" in the Tallis, and then it won't be yours, and no Bracha is necessary.

The prevelant Minhag is indeed not to make a Bracha on a Shul Tallis, unless one is explicitly using it for the Mitzvah of tzitzis (such as one who forgot his tallis at home and is "borrowing" the Shuls Tallis)

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May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

The doors of wisdom are never shut.

- Benjamin Franklin -

Posted 3/29/2012 6:47 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Thursday, 6 Nisan 5772, March 29 2012

Halacha For Today:


6 Nisan 5772

March 29, 2012



1) It is best to drink the entire cup, or at least the majority of the cup of each cup of the Arba Kosos. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:9 and Mishna Berura S"K 30)

Those who find it difficult to drink wine should use a smaller glass that holds a little more than a Revi'is and finish the entire cup rather than using a much larger cup and then not be able to finish all or most of it.

Children [who are of age for Chinuch] need only drink a cheek-full of wine. (See Mishna Berura Siman 472:47)

2) The Arba Kosos must be drunk B'Heseiba, while leaning on the left side. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:3)

Even left handed people lean to the left side.

There are two reasons for not leaning to the right side. One reason is that doing so will prevent the person from eating comfortably with his right hand. (Mishna Berura Siman 472 S"K 10)

According to this first reason alone, we may think that a left handed person would need to lean to the right side.

However, there is another [and more important] reason for leaning to the left, because a person's food pipe (esophagus) is to the right and the air canal (trachea) is to the left, and when leaning to the right there is a chance that the cover of the air canal will open and the food may get lodged in the wrong pipe and cause choking Chas V'Shalom. (Mishna Berura ibid.)

If a left handed person leaned to the right, B'Dieved he has satisfied his obligation. (Mishna Berura ibid.)

If a right handed person leans to the right, according to some Poskim it is acceptable B'Dieved, and according to others even B'dieved he has not satisfied his obligation. (Mishna Berura ibid. See also Kaf HaChaim Siman 472:23 and 48 and Shu"t Hisorerus Teshuva Vol. 2 Siman 49)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

Last week , after candle lighting, I decided that instead of just wasting my time by the candles with shmoozing, i will use my precious time to say "Perek Shira". As I was in middle of saying it, some of my family members claimed that one is not permitted to say it at night, since it entails lots of pesukim from Tehillim. I always knew that perek shira one can say any hour of the day/ night. is that not correct?

Also, if you can provide any insight as to why one cannot say Tehillim at night I would greatly appreciate it.


I commend you for spending the time after Hadlokas neiros doing something meaningful. The subject of saying Tehilim/ pesukim at night is a fascinating one, and there are many different opinions about this. If Tehilim is prohibited at night, it would only because of its status as "Torah Sh'Biksav", and not intrinsically because it is Tehilim.

I will list a few of the many Mekoros for this:

*The Be'er Heitev on Orach Chaim Siman 238 quotes the Arizal who says that one shouldn't study "Mikrah- Torah sheBiksav" by night. The Seforim say that the aforementioned Arizal does not apply to Thursday Night/Friday mornings.

* The reason for this is obviously Kabalistic (See the Artzos HaChaim (Malbim) Siman 1:36. See also Yesod V'Shoresh H'Avodah Sha'ar 6;HaNitzutz Perek 2 ) . In Shu"t Cham Sha'al Vol. 2 Siman 25 he quotes the great Mekubal Rav Shalom Sharabi (Rashash) who maintained that Tehilim was excluded from the above prohibition, and may be said at night. In fact, he says that Dovid Hamelech composed and wrote the Tehilim at night! (Another reason is because Hashem gave Tehilim a status like "NeGaim and AHalos", which basically gives it a status of "Torah Sh'Ba'al Peh", which is permitted anytime.

* If the Tehilim is being said for the Refuah Shelaima of a Choleh it can surely be said at night. (Psak of Debreciner Rav in Be'er Moshe Vol. 4 Siman 22, Eishel Avraham (Butchatch) Orach Chaim Siman 306, and other Poskim)

* If the Pesukim are learned with a Pirush (commentary such as Rashi) then it is not a problem at all and has a status like oral Torah, which of course can be learned at night. (Shu't Levushei Mordechai Siman 186 and others)

Perek Shirah would be OK to say at night for two reasons: 1) Most of the Pesukim are indeed from Tehillim, which we learned is permitted. 2) The Perek Shirah in its entirety is a "Beraisa" which teaches us which Pesukim each part of creation recites in praise to Hashem, so in essence it probably has a status of "Torah Sh'Ba'al Peh", no different than learning a Gemara that quotes Pesukim in it.

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Did you make the day or lose it,

was it well or sorely spent?

Did you leave a trail of kindness,
or a scar of discontent?

And as you close your eyes in slumber,

do you think Hashem will say,

you have earned one more tomorrow,
by the things you did today?

Submitted by daily reader, R.M.

Posted 3/28/2012 6:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Wednesday, 5 Nisan 5772, March 28 2012

Halacha For Today:


5 Nisan 5772

March 28, 2012



1) It is a Mitzvah to use red wine for the Arba Kosos, the four cups at the Pesach Seder. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:11)

It is ideal for men not to use Grape juice for the Arba Kosos.

If someone cannot drink wine, it is best for some wine to be mixed into the grape juice to the point that the wine can be tasted.

Of course, if due to health or other reasons, one is unable to drink even a little bit of wine , then grape juice should be used, and the obligation of the Arba Kosos will be fulfilled L'Chatchila. (See Shu"t Teshuvos V'Hanhagos Vol. 2 Siman 243 where he writes that the Chazon Ish, Brisker Rav, Techibiner Rav Zichronam L'Vracha and other Gedolim used grape juice at the end of their lives when they were unable to drink wine.)

Women and children can use Grape Juice L'Chatchilah. (ibid.)

2) If one has white wine that is a better quality wine than the red, it's better to use that white wine. (Rama Siman 472:11)

One of the reasons for opting for red wine is to commemorate the "Jewish blood" that was spilled by Pharaoh in Mitzrayim. (Mishna Berura Siman 472:38)

Thus, what many people who want to drink white wine do is to add some red wine to it to turn the mixture red.

However, adding red wine or grape juice to white wine for the express purpose of coloring the white wine is problematic, as even though the prohibition of "coloring" on Shabbos and Yom Tov usually does not apply to food, here where the whole purpose of the mixing is to "color" the drink, it may indeed be a prohibition of Tzvia, coloring. (See Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Perek 9:5 and footnote Dvar Halacha 11)

The better option when doing this is to pour in the red wine first and then add the white wine into the red. (Based on Sha'ar HaTziyun Siman 318:65, where he writes that when done this way, according to all opinions, it isn't considered coloring.)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

I want to know if its against the halacha to copy music from other people. Some people claim it's not, since you're not actually stealing something.


Firstly, according to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal and other Poskim (including Rav Shmuel Wosner Shlita, Rav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal and Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky Shlita) , you are prohibited from copying any item that has been created by someone else, if that person is selling it. This would apply to jewelry, art, Sefarim...and copying Torah or music tapes as well. The reason is that doing so will cause the creator of the item to lose sales, and thus lose money due to your action and is Gezeilah (See Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 4 Siman 40:19)

Therefore, many of today's Poskim pasken that if you bought the tape, CD or music download and you want to make an additional copy for yourself (let's say to keep one at home and one in the car) it would be permitted, as most people don't, and wouldn't, buy two copies, and making the second copy for yourself is not causing the creator to lose a sale. But to copy someone else's CD for your own use is prohibited.

The fact that a song is an "intellectual creation" makes no difference, and one who steals it is guilty of the sin of stealing. This is especially true if the music CD in question is specifically sold on this condition (as most are today) which in most cases can withhold certain "rights" from the buyer, thus one cannot claim that "I bought it, and it is now mine to with as I please, including copying etc.)

Furthermore when there are copyright laws in effect which prohibit the copying of the music, it would also be prohibited Halachically based on the concept of "Dina D'Malchusa Dina- that a Jew must obey the civil laws of the host country he/she resides in" (See Shach Yoreh Deah 165:8)

Although certain Rabbanim have ruled that even for personal use (as a second copy) is prohibited, one may rely on the above Poskim and indeed make a copy for personal use. However, one who relies on "Heterim" to initially copy a music CD or download is probably transgressing a "D'Oraisa" of Geneiva. (Is it really worth becoming a thief to save $14.99?)

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

Chazal say: One should always heed the counsel of elders. Even if the elders advise one to demolish and the youth advise one to build, one should listen to the elders, for the "demolition" of the elders is ultimately "building," whereas the "building" of the youth will ultimately bring about destruction.

In this context they point to the following story:

After the passing of Shlomo HaMelech, his son Rechavom ascended the kingly throne. A delegation of Yidden soon approached him, asking that he treat them gently and not overburden them with taxes. Rechavom told them, "Return in three days and I will answer you."
He then turned to seek the advice of the elders who had stood before his father. They told him, "If you treat the people gently, they will serve you faithfully throughout all of their days."

Dissatisfied with this approach, the king then consulted some young friends and they told him, "Be firm with the people. Tell them that you will be even more demanding than your father."

At the end of three days the people returned, and the king answered them as his young friends had advised. Infuriated, the people rebelled against him and chose Yerovam as their king.
(מלכים א' יב, לקח טוב שמות ד,כח, מגילה לא ע"ב)

Posted 3/27/2012 6:23 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Tuesday, 4 Nisan 5772, March 27 2012

Halacha For Today:


4 Nisan 5772

March 27, 2012



1) Kadesh: Kiddush and the first of the four cups of wine.

Every Jewish adult male and female is obligated to drink four cups of wine over which the order of the Hagadah was recited. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:8 and 14)

Minor boys and girls who have reached the age of Chinuch (Around five or six years of age, depending on each individual child's level of maturity and comprehension) should be given 4 cups of wine as well. (Shulchan Aruch Siman 472:15)

The prevalent custom is to place a glass of wine (or grape juice) in front of all the children, even those that are not yet of Chinuch age.

2) There is a debate amongst the Poskim as to the exact amount of fluid that makes up a "Revi'is".

For Mitzvos D'Oraysa (biblical commandments) the Poskim are stringent and require the larger amount of approximately 4.5 ounces, while for Mitzvos D'Rabanan (rabbinic ordinances) the smaller Shiur of 3.3 ounces (According to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal's opinion) suffices.

The 4 cups of wine at the Pesach Seder are a Mitzvah D'Rabanan and thus would only require 3.3 ounces for each of the four cups. (If the first night of Pesach falls out on Friday night, as it does this year, then the first cup, which is also the cup of Kiddush, a biblical commandment, will require the larger amount.)

If one is able, of course, it is best to try and drink the 4.5 ounces even for Mitzvos D'Rabanan. But if one has a hard time drinking that many cups of wine, the smaller Shiur may be relied upon.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Does one have to make a brocha achronah on a hot drink? e.g. coffee.


This is a huge Machlokes HaPoskim. The Chasam Sofer's minhag was to recite a Borei Nefashos after drinking a hot tea (Shu"t MaHaram Shick 85 and Siman 263. Incidentally, in Minhagei Chasam Sofer they write that he used to request his tea to be extra piping hot! Yet he still paskened like this.

The accepted Psak however( as the Mishna Berura beginning of Siman 210 writes) is as follows: Unless a revi'is is drunk at one time, in a short amount of time (which isnt usually possible with hot drinks) a Borei Nefashos isn't made. The best thing to do is to drink the last revi'is 2-4 ounces after they have cooled, in one gulp thus you will need to make Borei Nefashos according to all opinions. (See archives of Hilchos Brachos, Halachos for August 5 2009 for more sources about this.)

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

The following story is from a shiur given by Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein.

There was once a young lady who was blind and she was looking for a shidduch. As a blind girl, it was very tough for her. Eventually, she was set up with a boy who fell madly in love with her, and he married her and he took very good care of her.

One day he was listening to the radio and he heard that there was a doctor in the United States that dealt with blind people - this doctor performed eye transplants. The man researched it and he got himself on a list for an eye transplant for his beautiful Chana. The only problem was that there was a twenty year wait. He saw his wife was very broken.

A month later, the man runs into the house exclaiming, "Chanela! Its a miracle - You're next! They found a donor for you!" She didn't ask how he did it or what he did, but she knew she was going to get eyes.

The day before the operation, as the eager couple sat in the hospital room, the man turned to his wife and said. "Chana, I have to tell you something. Not only are you blind, I'm also blind. I never wanted you to know that because I never wanted you to pity me. However, I thought I should tell you now so that you won't be shocked once you get your sight." Chana started crying.

The next day Chana received her eye transplant, and it worked. Her eyes slowly began to heal until finally she was able to see more and more and more. For the first time in her life she saw light, colors, and people. Once she saw that her husband was in fact blind, she told herself that after all those years of being taken care of, she would now take care of him.

Or at least that's how she thought it work. In her eagerness to see the world and experience all of the things she had never been able to do before, she began to develop resentment for her blind husband who could not participate. Eventually the marriage began to dissolve.

She didn't have the hear tot tell him in person, so she called him one day. "Chaim, it's just not working. I can't live with you anymore ... I want a divorce." Chaim was shocked. "I'm sorry Chaim, but I want to see the world and I can't do that with you."

Chaim sadly agreed to pack up and leave. "I"ll be out by tonight," he murmured.

When she came home that night, she saw a letter on her bed that her husband had left her. She carefully opened the letter - "Dear Chana, I really and truly love you and I've always loved you. I respect your decision to leave me... but I have one big favor to ask you. Take care of those eyes, because not long ago they were mine."

There's a pasuk in Bereshis which says "Va'yitzer Hashem Elokim es ha'adam afar min ha'adama va'yipach apo nishmas chaim - Hashem created man from dirt and He blew into man His soul of life"

Hashem gave us a transplant - He gave us His neshama. But all too often we forget this. What do we do with this holy soul? We tell Hashem "Thank you, the soul is great!

But I have to see the world, I have to be busy with everything else but You."

Never forget that Hashem gave us our "eyes" - and he expects us to use them wisely, to serve Him lovingly and sincerely, to care for our fellow yidden, and to reach our unique potentials.

Submitted by daily reader, B.D.

Posted 3/26/2012 11:07 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Monday, 3 Nisan 5772, March 26 2012

Halacha For Today:


3 Nisan 5772

March 26, 2012



1) The Pesach Seder is comprised of the following "fifteen" steps:

Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Magid, Rachtzah, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Bareich, Halel and Nirtzah.

The number "15" is significant in that it correlates to the "15" "Shir HaMa'alos" psalms which were composed to correspond to the "fifteen" steps in the Bais Hamikdash. (Additionally, Hashem created the world with the letters "Yud" and "Hay"; Olam Hazeh with the "Hay" and Olam Haba with the "Yud". Put these two letters together and you get the name of Hashem, "Kah" which numerically add up to "15".)

What does the Bais Hamikdash have to do with Pesach?


The first night of Pesach each year always falls out on the same day of the week that Tisha B'Av falls out; the two days are connected.(See Shulchan Aruch Siman 428:3)

2) The Jewish people are currently in Galus, exile, and do not have a Bais Hamikdash and until Mashiach's arrival (very soon hopefully) we bemoan this sad reality on Tisha B'Av, the day of its destruction.

Pesach, the celebration of Geulah, redemption, is a day when we commemorate our physical and spiritual redemption from Egypt, and prepare ourselves for the final redemption which Chazal tell us will take place in this time period.

Thus as we sit down to the Pesach Seder it is important to keep in mind that the aura of the evening should be kept sanctified and holy as we have the power in our hands to unleash the final Geulah via our conduct at this table; we can facilitate the necessary zechusim to ensure that Tisha B'Av this year will be a day of dancing and jubilation and no longer be a day of sadness, disappointment and tears.

Our "15" steps of the Seder can facilitate the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdash with its "15" steps and thus return the world which was created with the letters that add up to "15" to its intended purpose: The glorification of our "Kah" Hashem.

Over the next few days we will discuss various halachos and minhagim regarding the Pesach Seder.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

If you eat fruit/candy/ice cream/ etc. after a bread-meal, you make a separate bracha on the dessert. But do you also make a new bracha on dessert after a non-bread meal? What if the dessert was on the table at the time that you made the bracha on the meal-food?


If the "dessert" food ,or any other food or drink throughout the meal, is of a variety whose Bracha you did not yet make, then surely you make a new Bracha.

If the new food is of a variety whose Bracha you did make, then it would depend on a few things to determine if you need a new Bracha or if the new food itemis exempt. The following is by no means an exhaustive synopsis of Hilchos Brachos, as that would be impossible in this email. Rather they are a few general rules to help you determine the right Halacha in your situation.

a) When making the original Bracha, you must have in mind that you want this Bracha to cover any other items that have the same Bracha that may be brought out within this meal, even if they arent presently on the table.

b) The new food must be less "Choshuv- important", otherwise a new Bracha is required. For example, if you make a bracha on an orange and later on they bring out grapes or another of the "7 species" a new Bracha is required. Likewse a Mezonos on rice will not cover cake. (Unless you had specific intent at the time of the Bracha to cover the more choshuv item as well. Also, if one likes the less Choshuv item more than he/she likes the more Choshuv item, then B'Dieved you do not make another Bracha on the item you like less, even if it is intrinsically more Chashuv.)

c) If when you made the Bracha you did not have any other food/drink in mind, the things that were on the table at the time of the Bracha are exempt (besides the more Chashuv foods, which are not exempt even if they were on the table, without special intentto exempt them).

Whatever is brought in afterwards, if it is not the same type of food, needs a new Bracha. (There are certain exceptions to this rule as well, depending if any of the original food that you made a Bracha on is still on the table). If it is the same type of food (another orange) then according to some Rishonim no new Bracha is required. B'Dieved, we rule like this opinion.

d) If one usually eats a certain food/drink together with or immediately after a different food ( e.g. A glass of cola is alwas drunk with his/her fried chicken), then even without having any specific intentions, we assume that he/she did have that intention and no second Bracha is required when the second food/drink is brought to the table.

e) Some Poskim (including Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita) rule that if you are sitting down to a "meal" even if no bread is being eaten, it is considered like a meal and one Bracha Rishona exempts everything of that variety of Bracha that comes afterwards, as that is a normal practice today to eliminate the bread form a "meal".

According to this opinion, it may indeed exempt "dessert" food that is of the same variety that you already made a Bracha on, even if it wasn't on the table at the time.

Please keep in mind that these halachos are very complex, and a very small variation in practice or intent can totally change the halacha requirement.

For Halacha L'Maaseh in any specific situations, please consult your Rav.

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This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה


Why do we pray for specific things if everything is good? Nothing is done unless Hakadosh Baruch Hu is pulling wires from behind the scenes for our benefit, so why should we pray?

Answer by HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatzal:

The answer is twofold. First of all, would you say you shouldn't pray for your fellow man because it's good for him to have a headache, it's good for him to be poor?

No, you wouldn't say that, because you want to learn compassion; that's your duty to have pity on your fellow man and pray. So Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, forget about my Hashgocho, I know what I'm doing in making him poor or ill, but your job is to have compassion, that's what I want of you.

Now if that's the case, suppose that fellow man happens to be named by your name and happened to have your face. So you shouldn't have compassion on him? On yourself you surely should have compassion. So therefore Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, "Have compassion on your poor loyal body and pray that it should be rid of the illness and pray that it should have enough sustenance, to take care of it." That's one reason why we have to pray; if we are in a difficult situation chalila.

Because we ourselves are like fellow Jews to ourselves. We have to have compassion on ourselves, that's why you can't harm yourself. You have no right to wound yourself, you have no right to put yourself in danger, because it's a Jew that's entrusted to your care, to take care of. So you have to pray for him, too.

A second reason is, that the reason for things happening to us is to teach us Daas, awareness of Hashem. And if we're going to be like wooden Indians, and not react, then it's a waste. So we have to react and pray to Hashem, we have to recognize the source of what happened to us. Even though it's good for us. Let's say that illness is good for us, we pray to Him to get rid of the illness because that's the purpose why the illness was sent!

To cause us to pray and recognize Him, because the awareness is a bigger benefit than any other benefit, Gedolah Deah.

So now you have two reasons why we have to pray when something we don't like happens to us.

Posted 3/25/2012 8:24 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Sunday, 2 Nisan 5772, March 25 2012

Halacha For Today:


2 Nisan 5772

March 25, 2012

Today's Halachos dedicated by daily reader, Abe, as a zechus for a Refuah Shelaima for the helige baby

Nochum Tzvi ben Chava Toba

b'soch she'ar cholei yisroel.



1) It is prohibited to get a haircut or shave on Erev Pesach after Chatzos (Halachic midday), even if the barber is a non-Jew. B'Dieved, if a non-Jew gives the haircut, it's OK. (See Mishna Berura 468:5)

It is best to cut nails before Chatzos.

B'Dieved if it wasn't done before, it may be done after Chatzos. (ibid.)

2) If one needs to mend an article of clothing, sew on a button, or similar "fixing" that is needed for Yom Tov, it is permitted. (See Mishna Berura Siman 468:8)

Laundry should not be done after Chatzos. (Unless in extremely necessary instances where it would also be permitted on Chol HaMoed.)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

I want to better understand what the concept of "baking" matzos [for Pesach] and why is that considered a mitzva. In the Torah, the mitzva is to "eat" matzos during Pesach or the first night. Where does it state that baking matzos is a mitzvah?


Of course the primary Mitzvah is to eat Matzah, However, the preparation of the Mitzvah, the grinding the flour, the making the dough and the entire process of baking Matzos is a Mitzvah in its own right.

See Shulchan Aruch Siman 460:2 and Mishna Berura S" K 5-7 for the following reasons to bake Matzos yourself.

1) Mitzvah Bo Yoser M'Beshelucho, it's a greater Mitzvah when done by yourself as opposed to having others do it.

2) MaHaril rules that this applies to all Mitzvos, not just baking Matzah for Pesach.

3) We don't rely on women (who commonly bake) to be careful in the many aspects and intricate halachic requirements of Shmura Matzah baking

4) According to the Arizal, sweating and getting "into it" during the baking of the Matzos is a Tikun (spiritual remedy) for the "great sin" i.e. Hotza'as Zera L'Vatalah.

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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos learned.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.

May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

"Worry about your character, not your reputation. Because your character is who you really are, and your reputation is simply what others think of you."

- Wise Man -

Posted 3/24/2012 10:56 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Thursday, 28 Adar 5772, March 22 2012

Halacha For Today:


28 Adar 5772 ; Yom Kippur Katan Mukdam

March 22, 2012



1) Erev Pesach is a Ta'anis (fast day) for Bechorim (first born) in commemoration of their being spared by Hashem in Mitzrayim, while the Egyptian firstborn were killed.

The prevalent Minhag is for first born males to participate in a "Siyum Mesechta" or other Seudas Mitzvah, and thus they aren't obligated to conclude their fasts. (Mishna Berura Siman 470:10)

L'Chatchilah the firstborn must hear the Siyum, and not simply partake of the food that is being served. B'Dieved, even if the Siyum wasn't heard, he may eat. (See Halichos Shlomo Perek 8:1 and Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak Vol. 9 Siman 45)

2) There is a dispute amongst the Poskim if a firstborn that was born via a caesarian section birth is required to fast. Therefore it is best if he partakes in a Siyum.

A firstborn under Bar Mitzvah does not fast. However, it is customary for his father (or his mother, if the father is himself a Bechor) to fast (or participate in a Siyum) on the child's behalf. (Rama Siman 470:2)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

What is the din [regarding the use of] a peeler on yom tov regarding borer etc.?


Borer on Yom Tov is a very complicated sugya(halachic topic).

Bottom line: According to many Poskim, a peeler is permitted to be used on Yom Tov. (See Shmiras Shabbos K'Hilchaso Perek 4:10 and footnote 16)

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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos learned.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal and the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal. May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה


What purpose do dreams serve today?

Answer by HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatzal:

Dreams are very useful today. Dreams can tell you where you're holding in this world. Let's say, if tonight you'll dream that you're sitting in a bathtub full of golden coins, and you're wading with your hands through the coins. Aah! And then you wake up and you are terribly disappointed, it's a let down. So ask yourself, did I dream about sitting in a bathtub full of Gemoras? Would I dream of finishing a Perek? Or even ten Blatt? Why don't I have good dreams? Did I dream of Mitzvahs? Why don't you dream of putting on Tefilin?

The answer is, although you put on Tefilin everyday, conscientiously, but it could be that it's so superficial without any thought, without any feeling, that it really doesn't enter you subconscious mind. And you dream only about the things that you really want, not the things you talk about with your mouth. So dreams can tell you more or less where you are holding in this world.

Sometimes a dream is a fright, and it's a very healthy thing to put a fright into a person. Hashem is frightening a man! And it means, get busy young man or old man, get busy and shake a leg because Chas Veshalom, it might happen! Start accomplishing something in this world, because if you're wasting your life, so Hakadosh Baruch Hu might say, Chalila, why do you need this life? And therefore, a frightening dream also has a purpose.

Rarely, to chosen souls, very rarely, a dream comes to give him a hint of something he should do. Sometimes when you're puzzling about a piece of Gemora and you go to bed with the puzzle unsolved, sometimes it happens, rarely, that the solution lights up in your mind during the dream. When you wake up, aah, why didn't I think of that? Sometimes a problem in dealing with people. Now it could be that the subconscious mind is working while your conscious mind is not. The conscious mind is obstructing the subconscious mind from working properly. The conscious mind uses artificial approaches, the subconscious mind uses the natural direct approaches, and sometimes the subconscious mind is showing you the resolution.

Sometimes it could be Hakadosh Baruch Hu is sending a message. But don't rely too much on that because not everybody is worthy of such a great revelation.

Posted 3/21/2012 10:56 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Wednesday, 27 Adar 5772, March 21, 2012
Halacha For Today:


27 Adar 5772

March 21, 2012






1) All rooms where Chometz may have been brought into must be checked.


One's office, car and clothing must also be checked if there is a chance that Chometz was placed there. (Regarding the pockets of clothing see Shu"t MaHari Weil Siman 193, also quoted in Gilyonei HaShas to Shabbos 12b)


Before starting Bedikas Chometz the Bracha of "Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam Asher Kidshanu B'Mitzvosav V'tzivanu Al Biur Chometz" is recited.


After reciting the Bracha the searching should begin immediately, and no talking or interruptions should take place between the Bracha and the starting of the search.


It is best not to talk or make [unneccesary] interruptions throughout the entire Bedikas Chometz process.


Talking for the purpose of the search at hand is permitted.


If one uses the restroom during the Bedikas Chometz, he may recite the bracha of "Asher Yatzar" afterwards, and it isn't considered an interruption. (Psak of Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita)


2) It is customary to place 10 pieces of bread throughout the home, which the one doing Bedikas Chometz should "find".


Be careful not to "hide" them to well, lest they be forgotten and left in the home throughout Pesach.


The lights in the room may be left on during the Bedikas Chometz. (See Halichos Shlomo, Pesach, Perek 5 Dvar Halacha Os 19 and footnote 57)



After Bedikas Chometz is finished, it is important to "Nullify" any Chometz that may be in your property. There is a special text of nullification that should be said, which is printed in most Siddurim.


It is important to understand what you are saying and not just say the Aramaic words in the Siddur with no clue that you are nullifying and making your Chometz Hefker, as simply saying the words as a "Tefilah" and not understanding them is worthless, even B'dieved.


The text may be said in English or any other language, as long as the one saying it understands what they are saying. (See Rama Siman 434:2 and Mishna Berura S"K 9)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.
These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are  still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:




Is one allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov?







Showering on Yom Tov is only permitted when extremely necessary (very hot and sweaty etc.), and even then not in the normal manner of showering during the weekdays.


Hot water may not be used. Only one part of the body may be washed at a time, and not a full body shower. Bar soap may not be used, nor a washcloth. Liquid soap and shampoo, according to some Poskim may be used, only if they are watered down enough. Drying the hair afterwards with a towel is prohibited. There are other issues that may arise as well. It is important to discuss all the details of this with a Rav to determine the need to shower and the methods acceptable according to Halacha.


Unfortunately many people abuse this Halacha and take showers, or even go swimming, on Yom Tov, and they should be urged to seek Rabbinic guidance before engaging in these oftentimes prohibited activities on Yom Tov.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the  Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal and the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal. May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.  


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה





ויעש שני כרובים ... משני קצות הכפורת


Each day identify one person perched on an opposite corner than you, ultra-ultra orthodox, or ultra-ultra modern, nerdy, jappy, chovevei Tzion/not, in-town/out-of-town, intra/extra-verted, or ultra-something other than you. Take a moment to look deep into his face. Respect him. See his struggles and see his yearnings. Accept him. Respect him.
From the BTYA "One Minute Avodah Reminder" email.

Posted 3/21/2012 12:52 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Tuesday, 26 Adar 5772, March 20, 2012
Halacha For Today:


26 Adar 5772

March 20, 2012



1) On the Eve of the 14th of Nisan, Erev Pesach (This year, Thursday April 5th ), every Jewish homeowner is required to perform "Bedikas Chometz- The search for unleavened bread".

This search must be done at the beginning of the night (according to some opinions soon after sunset, and according to other opinions after Tzeis HaKochavim, the emergence of 3 stars).

2) From half an hour before sunset, no eating or other chores may be started.

The Bedikas Chometz must be done via the light of a single wick candle and not with a cluster of candles or a torch.

Nowadays it is permissible to use a single beam flashlight for Bedikas Chometz, and this may even be better than using an actual candle, as many people are afraid to go to close to the place they are searching with a candle, and thus will do a more thorough job with a flashlight.

However, the Bracha on Bedikas Chometz should be made while holding a candle and the search should begin with the candle for a bit and only then switch over to the flashlight. (Psak of Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zichronam L'Vracha and others. Maran HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv shlita, however, maintains that in places where one isn't afraid to use a candle, L'Chatchilah it is better to use a candle the entire time and not a flashlight as not to change from the Minhag Yisroel.)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Why is there no Kashrus , Basar B'Chalav and Chometz concerns with metal braces? Why is it any different than metal cutlery?


I once asked this question to a prominent Posek and he answered that it is considered as part of the mouth, like a tooth, and thus doesnt require Kashering. Of course, any components that are removeable, must be cleaned and kashered for Pesach.

A Rav must be consulted in each specific situation to determine what components are considered removeable.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal and the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal. May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה


If artwork is a waste of effort, then why did Hakadosh Baruch Hu give some people that talent? Doesn't that demonstrate that He wants it to be utilized?

Answer by HaRav Avigdor Milelr Zatzal:

People must make a living, so if you're capable of earning your parnassa from artwork, that's your answer. As a result of your artwork you'll be able to send your children to yeshivos, and you'll support Torah institutions. Or it may be, some of your artwork might be utilized for mitzvos, like making ornamental decorations on things of mitzvos, could be. But in itself - it's considered a waste of effort.

It's like saying, here's a man who has a talent in computers. So therefore you say it's an ideal in life he should sit all his life and continue to tinker with computers? No, his talents should be utilized in order to earn an honest livelihood, and maybe he'll retire in due time to go into a kollel before he's too old, and even before that he can sit and learn, so therefore he's utilizing it. But it doesn't mean that computers in itself is an ideal existence - for people to spend their lives punching keys.

The fact that people have certain talents doesn't mean that these talents are an ideal in themselves. Here's a man who's an expert barber, so it means all his life he has to be a barber? Of course it's no aveira to be a barber, and you shave people's heads l'kovod Yom Tov, L'kovod Shabbos, and you're careful not to use a razor blade on their payos, certainly it's a good thing, but it doesn't mean that barbering is itself an ideal.

People have certain talents that can be utilized for the eventual ultimate service of Hashem.

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Posted 3/20/2012 2:34 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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