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Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #408 Halacha Rights on Naming a Child
Q. [In regards to which parent has the right to name their child], what does the Halacha say?

A. Traditionally in Ashkenazi communities we do not follow the custom quoted in Ramban and Rabboseinu Baalei Hatossafoss and Teshuvos Maha ....

Posted 11/22/2013 11:55 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #407 In Tanach, Which Parent Named the Child?
Q. I noticed that with all of the sons of Jacob, the mothers named them. For Benjamin, his mother and father named him. How come Jacob did not name his sons? Is this a sign or message from the Torah that the women are supposed to name the children? ....

Posted 11/22/2013 11:53 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #406 Semi-Concealed Holy Names
Q. While on it, a few years ago we took some pictures by a bris and the shemos on the omud came out in some of the pictures, but you can only see them when the picture is placed by a strong light or the sun. On another picture you can only read th ....

Posted 11/19/2013 2:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #405 Shaimos on a Kitchen Counter
Q. The counter in the kitchen was wet with a sticky substance. Somebody placed an open sidur facing down on it, the letters got stuck to the counter and when the sidur was picked up we ended with a shem glued to the counter. What do we do now?

Posted 11/19/2013 1:59 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #404 Creating Bubbles on Shabbos.
Q. When washing for Shabes morning use, last night dishes with cold water can you use soap that creates bubbles?

A. Most Poskim maintain that there is no prohibition on creating soap bubbles when using an already properly diluted, c ....

Posted 11/15/2013 1:26 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #403 Spraying Canned Whipped Cream on Shabbos
Q. Is it permitted to spray whipped cream from a spray can on a dessert on Shabes?

A. The main issue with using canned sweetened whipped cream propelled by nitrous oxide, for decorating desserts, ice creams and cakes on Shabbos, is ....

Posted 11/15/2013 1:24 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #402 Does Chupa Atonement Require Teshuva?
Q. (For receiving forgiveness on the day of the chupa), do you have to make teshuva?

A. Some authorities argue that if the reason for forgiveness is the total change and new creation of the individual at the time of his marriage (Mah ....

Posted 11/15/2013 1:23 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AskTheRabbi.jpg
Expand Article #401 Is The Kallah Forgiven Also?
Q. Is the kallah also forgiven for all her sins the day she marries or just the choson?

A. It is generally accepted, that forgiveness of sins applies equally to the bride as to the groom. This ensues, if the source for the above prin ....

Posted 11/15/2013 1:22 AM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #400 Bris at Home or in Shul?
Q. Is it better to make the bris in a shul or can it be done at home?

A. It is tradition to perform the bris milah in a shul or bais medresh (Remoh Y.D. 265: 11, quoting Maharil, see Tos. Pesachim 101a). Poskim mention as a reason; ....

Posted 11/8/2013 2:53 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #399 Giving the Name Before the Bris
Q. If you want to make a mi sheberach for the baby, can you give him a name before the brith? When and how do you do it? and if not, what name do you use?

A. A number of consequential and significant reasons are mentioned for naming ....

Posted 11/8/2013 2:52 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #398 Sholom Zochor for Baby in Incubator
Q. When do you make the Shalom Zachor for a baby that has to remain in an incubator for about ten days and the brith will be delayed, do you make it the first Shabbat or when the baby is home before the brith?

A. Some Poskim maintai ....

Posted 11/8/2013 2:51 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #397 Tzedaka (Vauchers) and Tax Receipts II
Q. My child collected money for a tzedaka through their school: - May I take the money and send in tzedaka vouchers that I once purchased and if so, must I give that money to tzedaka or may I spend it on other things?

A. Horav Shlom ....

Posted 11/8/2013 2:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #396 Tzedaka and Tax Receipts I
Q. My child collected money for a tzedaka through their school: Am I allowed to take the money and send in a cheque so that I may get the tax receipt or is it stealing from the government?

A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion i ....

Posted 11/8/2013 2:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #395 Red Lentil Soup on Shabbos Parshas Toldos
Q. This is an urgent question. My wife wants to cook for this Shabbes Toldos a red lentil soup that she saw advertised in a parsha food page. (naye meshugas). Is it allowed since this is a maachol avelim? We need an answer before noon erev shabes p ....

Posted 11/1/2013 2:25 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #394 Shoveling Snow on Shabbos
Q. Can you shovel snow that fell on Shabbath?

A. Sh'miras Shabbos Kehilchoso (16: note 110) quoting Rav S. Z. Auerbach Zt'l rules that snow that fell on Shabbos is not muktze (see Mishna Berura 338: 30). Igrois Moishe (O.H. 5: 22: 3 ....

Posted 11/1/2013 2:04 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #393 Chopping Ice on Shabbos.
Q. Can you use a metal scrapper to break ice on a path or steps during Shabbath?

A. Mishna Berura (320: 36) quotes Mogen Avrohom's opinion that there is a difference between breaking ice collected on a vessel, which the Shulchan Aru ....

Posted 11/1/2013 2:03 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #392 Spreading Sand on Ice on Shabbos
Q. Could you spread salt mixed with sand, sand by itself, or sawdust (on an icy entrance or steps, during Shabbath)?

A. When spreading sand you have to be concerned with the boneh or building prohibition. If the surface is paved, ce ....

Posted 11/1/2013 2:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #391 Salting Ice on Shabbos
Q. Can you spread rock salt on Shabbath on an (icy) entrance and steps?

A. Poiskim permit spreading salt during Shabbos (in any form or presentation), on an icy path, steps or a sidewalk to save people from harm. (Machaze Eliohu 67, ....

Posted 11/1/2013 2:00 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #390 Israel Bonds and Ribbis
Q. Is it necessary to make a heter iskeh when buying Israel government bonds? Thanks for your constant assistance.

A. Maharshag (Y.D. 50) and Igrois Moishe (Y.D. 2:63) permit lending with interest when dealing with a Jewish owned co ....

Posted 11/1/2013 12:35 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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Expand Article #389 Apnea Machine on Shabbos
Q. If someone has sleep apnea, and is advised by doctor to use a sleep apnea machine every night, can one use it on Shabbos, which requires pushing an electric button to activate it and turning it off in the morning?

A. Horav Shlomo ....

Posted 11/1/2013 12:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (1)

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