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Blog Image: BnaiBrith.JPG
Barbara Kay owes the Jewish world an apology

By Frank Dimant, CEO, B’nai Brith Canada
Published in the Full Comment section of the National Post’s website

An elegantly-dressed woman was boarding a flight overseas and settled into her business class seat. She reflected on her life. Her grandparents had been Orthodox Jews but she had distanced herself from traditional Judaism, becoming an enlightened liberal committed to the values of human rights, justice for all and a better world for mankind while abandoning all of Judaism’s rituals and customs.

Suddenly, she spotted a man dressed in a black suit wearing a black hat and moving toward the seat next to her. He did not acknowledge her other than with a nod.

She kept quiet for the first hour of the flight but decided that she could not contain herself. She looked at the man and stated, “It is so primitive that you seek to maintain such antiquated customs that have no more validity in our society. You are an embarrassment to me as a Jew and I despise the fact that all of us Jews are judged by your looks and your behaviour. Isn’t it time you shaved your beard, took off your silly black hat and joined us in the 21st century?”

The man looked at her and said, “Madam, I am a Mormon,” at which point she, without batting an eye, responded, “In that case, let me tell you how much I admire your tenacity, your commitment to tradition and your preservation of your cultural heritage.”

While B’nai Brith Canada usually agrees with much that is written by the renowned National Post columnist Barbara Kay, it was a great disappointment to read her latest article: “The fanatics within” (July 28).

This piece caused great offense to many within the Jewish community. Perhaps one of the most salient points that was overlooked was the fact that the Israeli conversion law to which Barbara Kay makes reference was introduced by one of Israel’s most secular parties. The law was introduced to help expedite the conversion process for Russian Jews, with varying degrees of Jewish affiliation, who immigrated to Israel and were interested in fast-tracking their acceptance into the Jewish community.

Barbara Kay also creates confusion with the verbiage she uses. The notion that Haredim are all “parasites” is laughable, since they are also cardiac surgeons, labourers, social workers, lawyers, CEOs, academics and decorated soldiers. In Israel, some of the most modern hospitals in the world are supported and administered by Haredim for the totality of society. ZAKA, the courageous voluntary rescue organization that is usually first on the scene after a suicide bombing in Israel and sends units to natural disasters across the globe, is also a Haredi-run humanitarian organization.

The first Zionistic Haredi political party to become an official member of the World Zionist Organization is Shas, which represents most of the Sephardic Haredi community. Thus, to classify an entire group of people as parasites is sadly reminiscent of language used by the enemies of the Jewish people. A very poor choice of words.

On the question of Judaism and the Messianic era, perhaps the question can best be phrased, “Would many in the world today be desirous of ushering in a Messianic era of tranquility, an era of peace, an era of social justice?” I daresay the vast majority of people would welcome the opportunity of experiencing such a Messianic era. I do not know of any Hassidic group or Haredi group, either in Israel or elsewhere in the world, that has plans to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque. To even accuse the group of such thinking is akin to throwing a lit match into a barrel of oil.

Perhaps, on closer examination of what people are doing to “force G-d’s” hand to bring about the Messiah, one can look at the Chabad Lubavitch Movement, a component of the Haredi world, welcoming to Jews and non-Jews alike, which opens its arms to the hungry and has established thousands of institutions around the world to assist Jews who are traveling and need a place to rest. It has established drug rehabilitation centres for Jews and non-Jews, and its road to bringing the Messiah rests in performing good deeds. Established Chabad Houses on campuses seek to counter the influences of drugs and immorality, and feed thousands of Jewish youth every Friday night to give them a flavour of a traditional Sabbath. They are non-judgmental and live their lives in peace when not molested by others.

Hardly the evil villains of Ms. Kay’s article. She owes the Jewish world an apology.

— Frank Dimant is CEO of B’nai Brith Canada.

B’nai Brith Canada has been active in Canada since 1875 as the Jewish community’s foremost human rights agency

Posted 8/4/2010 9:37 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rubashkin.jpg
Special Teleconference 9:00 TONIGHT of Lakewood Kinus for Shalom Rubashkin
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin was targeted for an extreme and unusually oppressive punishment.

Speakers: Bob Barr, attorney; Special renowned Speaker

Call in phone numbers:
Brooklyn 718-689-1100
Monsey 845-738-1100
Upstate NY 845-837-9000
Other 211-444-1100

(Yiddish Introduction but mostly English program)

After message in Yiddish, press 8 and then 1.

Posted 7/12/2010 8:02 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Frum.jpg




FOR MORE INFO, OR TO RESERVE A SPOT ON THE BUS, PLEASE CALL CLAIRE CISS (416)784-1426 OR JACK GOLDHAR (647)294-4323, or email cciss@sympatico.ca


Posted 7/5/2010 6:18 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Seventeeth day of Tammuz
Today is the Seventeenth day of Tammuz, a fast day by
Takanas HaNeviim, which is no small matter. If we look at the number 17, we
will soon realize that it is concomitantly the Gematria of each of “Oy”,
“Chait”, and “Tov”. Thus, we see that the power of the day need not only
lie in the negative, but can and must extend to the positive and good, as

We typically remember that the first frightful event that happened on this
day was Moshe Rabbeinu’s breaking of the Shnei Luchos which contained the
Aseres Hadibros, as a result of the sin of the Golden Calf. If only the
people had shown enough faith to wait one more day for their venerable and
venerated leader, their happiness and dancing would have resulted in the
greatest Simchas Torah ever(!). Instead, we still feel the pain from the
torturous event.
In fact, there was one prior significant event on this fateful day which
preceded the breaking of the Luchos. The Luach Dovor B’Ito writes that the
Yona, the dove sent by Noach out of the Ark, could not find a place to land
and so returned to the Teiva (Bereishis 8:8). The obvious question is, why
would Noach bother sending the dove out without any indication whatsoever
(from Hashem directly, or otherwise) that the waters had receded? Was he
taking a stab in the dark? We may posit that Noach sensed or knew that the
day was right for renewal and joy. The fact that the dove returned
indicated to him that it was he and his family, representing all of mankind,
who were the ones not ready for this renewal. The same lesson carried
through on this date to the Golden Calf, and thereafter the subsequent
tragedies on this day in which our people’s spiritual growth was stunted
rather than cultivated.

Today and the three weeks in front of us should not be viewed as a burden to
be overcome, evidence by our expression to others to have “an easy time of
it.” Instead, it should be a meaningful and important time in which we
hope, pray and take action. Depression and despair should not be the
hallmark of these days, for they may evidence a breach or lack of faith
which is the antithesis of spiritual growth. We should learn from the gift
of gravity that Hashem has given us to always keep both feet firmly on the
ground despite the forces working against us.

It is the custom of some to recite “Tikun Chatzos” during the Three Week
period--some even in the middle of the day. We may not as yet be on this
level. However, we should remember that every day, three times daily in
Modi’im, we thank Hashem “for the goodness given to us in the evening, in
the morning, and in the afternoon.” What goodness is it that Hashem gives
us at these especially designated times? We suggest that it is Tefillah
itself. If we can conclude the Yehi Ratzon at the end of Shemone Esrei with
Kavana during these three weeks, three times a day, we will have sincerely
davened for the Beis Hamikdash and our redemption more than 60 times during
this short period! Rather than wallowing in self-pity, we will demonstrate
a renewal of our faith and have beautifully affirmed our supreme goals.
In the merit of our prayers, may we see with our own eyes the ultimate
redemption at the beginning of the short period of special thought that lies

*Special Note Two:* One of the wonderful side benefits of the Geulah
Shelaima is described in the bracha of Hoshiva Shofteinu in Shemone Esrei
with the words "VeHoseir Mimmenu Yagon Va’Anacha--and remove from us sorrow
and groan." Some explain this to mean that at the time of Geulah we will no
longer feel the various pains associated with the Galus of the past (yagon)
--nor will we experience any such pains going forward (anacha). HaRav
Schwab, Z’tl (in the monumental Rav Schwab on Prayer (Artscroll, p.473),
explains a bit differently, as follows: "the term yagon means the grief
that one carries inside of him, while anacha is the loud sighing or moaning
that one expresses (such as ’Oy’) when the grief cannot be contained any
longer." How great will these days be! Because, as the Chofetz Chaim
explains in his introduction to the Sefer Chofetz Chaim, our Geulah Sheleima
is inextricably intertwined with our Shemiras Halashon, we intend to provide
a short daily reminder in Shemiras Halashon over the next Three Weeks. To
get a glimpse at the severity of the aveiros associated with Lashon Hora, we
look to the Chazal (recently studied in the Daf Yomi) who teach that one who
speaks and accepts Lashon Hora is fit ’to be thrown to the dogs’ (this is
derived from the juxtaposition of the Pasuk ’Lo Sisa Sheyma Shav’ with the
Pasuk ’LaKelev Tashlichun Oso’). Indeed, the Arizal comments (once again,
based upon this very juxtaposition) that the tikun for a person who speaks
Lashon Hora may be his gilgul into this world again as a dog (i.e., he is
’thrown to the dogs’ in different kind--but more horrifying--way). We can
surely conclude that *nothing*--no intellectual benefit, no feeling of
revenge, no monetary gain, no temporal joy, could ever be worth the Lashon
Hora spoken if its G-d Given consequence is ’being thrown to the dogs’ in
one extremely unpleasant way or another. On top of all that--look at all the
people who want to be saved of yagon and anacha--and who may be denied of
this wondrous benefit because of this or that inconsiderate person’s few
evil and fleeting words.
Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Shlita writes in The Chofetz Chaim -A Daily
Companion that "One can compare Lashon Hora to toxic waste, and the laws of
Shemiras Halashon to the protective suit of people who must handle it.
Properly protected--one can save others from harm--and not hurt oneself in
the process!" Let us strengthen ourselves now and be especially vigilant to
keep out even the harmful ’second-hand Lashon Hora’--for if not now--then

*Special Note Three*: Today at Mincha we recite Sim Shalom, rather than
Shalom Rav. The reason for this is that we Lein the Torah at Mincha, and
Sim Shalom refers to the Torah and its greatness (see Shulchan Aruch, Orach
Chaim 127:2 and Rema there). HaRav Elyashiv, Shlita, rules that one should
recite Sim Shalom even if he is not able to be in Shul for Mincha, and that
women too should recite Sim Shalom on the Ta’anis.

*Special Note Four:* Please remember to give Tzedaka today on the Ta’anis
for as Chazal teach ’Igra DeTa’anisa Tzidkasa’. If you need an address--we
provide yadeliezer.org --which has been helping the poor in Eretz Yisroel
for decades with true honor and real distinction. Add the Navi’s teaching
that "Veshaveha BiTzedaka--those who return to Tzion will return with
tzedaka" to the need to give on a Ta’anis itself --and we appreciate how
much we can accomplish with some well placed funds on this very significant
Hakhel MIS

Posted 6/29/2010 1:00 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rubashkin.jpg
Action Alert: Email the Justice Department for Sholom Rubashkin

The federal court sentenced Sholom Rubashkin on Monday to 27 years in prison for his bank fraud conviction, which is greater than the amended recommendations from prosecutors, and is inconsistent with calls from throughout the legal community for him to be sentenced in a manner similar to other men and women convicted of white-collar crimes.

Show your support for Sholom Rubashkin by telling the Justice Department:

“This sentence is unfair.
This sentence is excessive.
This sentence is not in the public’s interest.”

Read the coverage in JTA: http://bit.ly/97fJqa.
Read the coverage in the New York Jewish Week: http://bit.ly/bJrghC.

“The way this case was handled may go down in history as a permanent stain on American justice,” said Nathan Lewin, an attorney overseeing Rubashkin’s appeal.

“Sholom Rubashkin has been targeted by prosecutors in Iowa from the very beginning, and has been treated unlike other similar defendants. We have asked, and continue to ask, the Justice Department to review the numerous instances of prosecutors stepping outside the bounds of standard and decent conduct in this case."


1. Read the coverage in JTA and in the New York Jewish Week.

2. Send a respectful e-mail to the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (oipl@usdoj.gov).

3. Tell them “This sentence is unfair. This sentence is excessive. This sentence is not in the public’s interest.”

4. Call on them to explain why Sholom Rubashkin has been targeted by prosecutors in Iowa and why he is getting 27 years in prison when others convicted of similar crimes have received significantly shorter sentences.

5. Remind them that more than two dozen former senior Justice Department officials – including six former U.S. attorneys general – said it would be an “absurdity” for a sentence of life in prison, or anything close to it, for a 51-year-old, first-time, non-violent offender.

6. Go on Facebook and Twitter and ask your friends to send an e-mail as well.

7. Forward this e-mail to family, friends and fellow supporters of Sholom Rubashkin.

Please note: It is inappropriate to send e-mails or other correspondence to the judge in this case or to the appellate court.

Please direct all e-mails to the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison at oipl@usdoj.gov.

Please keep your comments respectful at all times.

Together, we can show prosecutors and the legal community that concerned citizens are watching the case of Sholom Rubashkin, and that he deserves “equal and fair administration of justice under the law.”

Posted 6/22/2010 11:33 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Frum.jpg
Last Chance Before North York Council Votes on Lawrence Heights Revitalization Plan.

  Exercise your civil rights!

York City Council will be voting on the Lawrence Allen Revitalzation Plan this Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. This is a plan to add another 20,000 plus new residents to the area. If you wish to make a presentation to express your concerns (limit 5 minutes), please phone 416-395-0480 or e-mail nycc@toronto.ca by noon today, Monday June 21.

If you cannot go, email or call all councillors listed below.

Subject of e-mail - Constituent’s Concerns


Dear Councillor ______________,

I want to ask you to vote against the City’s proposal for the redevelopment of Lawrence Heights which will be voted on at North York City Council this coming Tuesday, June 22. This project will adversely affect a large part of the City, unless significant changes are made. Everyone travelling on major streets like Bathurst, Lawrence or Dufferin will face even slower traffic. While I support revitalization, such a high density increase in population will cause problems for everyone.

[Add your name and street address]


If you don’t know who your Councillor is, you can just send it to all.
You can fax, email or phone in your message. (Addresses and contact info are below.) If you email it to your Councillor, please copy it to the other Councillors too. (Just cut and paste the block of email addresses into the CC line.)

Thanks for any help you can provide with our attempt to keep our neighbourhood quiet and stable.

If you know anyone else who could do this, please forward this email to them.

Contact Info for Members of North York Community Council who will be voting on this:
councillor_augimeri@toronto.ca, councillor_parker@toronto.ca, councillor_carroll@toronto.ca, councillor_feldman@toronto.ca, councillor_filion@toronto.ca, councillor_jenkins@toronto.ca, councillor_minnan-wong@toronto.ca, councillor_moscoe@toronto.ca, councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca, councillor_shiner@toronto.ca, councillor_stintz@toronto.ca

Maria Augimeri 416-392-4021 Fax: 416-392-7109 Constituency office 416-395-6405

John Parker 416-423-1434 Fax: 416-423-1434 neighbourhood office 416-423-1434

Shelly Carroll 416-4028 Fax: 416-392-4101

Mike Feldman 416-392-1371 Fax:416-392-7299

John Fillion 416-392-0210 Fax: 416-392-0210 constituency office 416-395-6411
constituency fax 416-395-6441

Cliff Jenkins 416-395-6408 Fax:416-395-6439

Denzil Minnan-Wong 416-397-9256 Fax: 416-397-4100

Howard Moscoe 416-392-4027 Fax: 416-392-4191 councillor_moscoe@toronto.ca

Anthony Perruzza 416-338-5335 Fax: 416-696-4144

David Shiner 416-395-6413 Fax: 416-397-9290

Karen Stintz 416-392-4090 Fax: 416-392-4129

City website on the redevelopment including link to proposed plan, maps, and contact persons: http://www.toronto.ca/planning/lawrence_allen.htm

Posted 6/20/2010 10:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Rubashkin.jpg
Rubashkin -- NOT GUILTY
Sholom Rubashkin has been found not guilty on all 67 misdemeanor child labor charges, media outlets report.

WCF Courier reports: Former Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin has been acquitted of allowing minors to work at the Postville slaughterhouse.

The jury indicated they had reached a verdict shortly before 1 p.m. Monday June 7th, 2010.

Jurors acquitted him of all 67 counts of child labor violations.

Rubashkin is awaiting sentencing on federal bank fraud charges in connection with loans Agriprocessors received. Federal immigration charges stemming from the May 2008 raid at the plant were dropped earlier.

State labor officials began investigating information that minors worked at the plant in the months before the May 2008 immigration raid.

Prosecutors said Rubashkin, who was described at the CEO and co-vice president of the company, knew underage workers held jobs at the facility and did nothing to remove them or change hiring practices.

Twenty-six former Agriprocessors employees from Guatemala and Mexico testified they had worked at the plant as teenagers. The state said they worked with dangerous chemicals and some tended power-driven equipment like conveyor belts.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Posted 6/13/2010 2:15 PM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
Please call in to a live Tehillim teleconference
Please call in to a live Tehillim teleconference, every night, this week, at 10:45 pm EDT and join Rav Eliezer Ginsburg shlita, Rosh Kollel Mirrer Yeshiva, Brooklyn, in saying Tehillim for the Gadol Hador, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Stein, shlita who needs Rachamei Shamayim.

Rav Chaim Stein’s name for Tehillim is:

Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam

Call tonight at 10:45 the Chazak Inspiration line:
718-258-2008 press option 9 selection 9.

Posted 6/2/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
Rubashkin sentencing delayed B"H - Please continue Davening!
A chance to redouble our efforts in tefillah...please continue to daven for
Shalom Mordechai ben Rivka

Federal sentencing for former Agriprocessors executive Sholom Rubashkin has
been delayed.

Rubashkin, who had worked at the meatpacking plant in Postville when it was
raided in May 2008, is currently on trial in Waterloo for misdemeanor state
child labor violations.

That trial is slated to last the rest of this week and overlaps with
sentencing Rubashkin’s federal fraud conviction, which had been scheduled
for Thursday.

Today (Monday) U.S. District Court Judge Linda Reade entered an order
delaying the federal sentencing until June 22. The sentencing will be at
3:30 p.m. at the courthouse in Cedar Rapids.

Rubashkin has been convicted for fraud in connection with loans the company
received, and a sentencing hearing had started April 28. Judge Reade didn’t
announce the punishment, saying she needed more time to consider the matter.
She initially said Thursday was the date the sentence would be completed.

Meanwhile trial for the state child labor charges started May 11.

(*Source: WCF Courier http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/article_4b334910-6744-11df-8d8e-001cc4c002e0.html

Posted 5/25/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
World-Wide Tehillim for Shlomo Mordechai Rubashkin THURSDAY






WHEN: TOMORROW Thursday April 22 at 1:00 PM NY time

                                Tuesday April 27 at 1:00 PM  NY time

ON THE PHONE:  212-990-8000

                             6060 POUND

Perokim 20, 52, and 150

Posted 4/22/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Rubashkin.jpg
Kol Korei: Gedolim Call On Klal Yisroel to Assist Reb Sholom Mordechai
*As we approach the date of sentencing for Reb Sholom Mordechai ben Rivkah Rubashkin, *gedolim*, in a just released letter, have called on all members of *Klal Yisroel* to do what they can to urge the department of justice or political officials to rectify the undue harshness displayed toward Reb Sholom Mordechai.
The signatories include:
-Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, *rosh yeshiva* of Yeshiva of Philadelphia
-The Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Yaakov Perlow
-Rav Dovid Feinstein, *rosh yeshiva* of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim
-Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, *rosh yeshiva* of Beth Medrash Govoah of Lakewood
-Rav Yonason Binyomiin Weiss, *av bais din* of Montreal
-The Skulener Rebbe, Rav Eliezer Zusia Portugal
-The Mattesdorfer Rov, Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld
-Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar
-Rav Moshe Wolfson, *mashgiach* of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas
-Rav Menachem Meir Weissmandl, *rov* of Nitra-Monsey
-The Pupa Rebbe, Rav Yaakov Y. Greenwald
-Rav Mordechai Shmuel Ashkenazi, *rov* of Kfar Chabad
-Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Krinsky, head of Mercaz L’inyonei Chinuch of Chabad-Lubavitch
*The original Hebrew letter can be read by clicking here **http://www.matziv.com/pictures/rubashkinkolkoreiapril2010* * and then clicking on the image to magnify it.*
*The following is a free translation of the letter from the gedolim:*
*To our Jewish Brethren Worldwide:*
*Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin is due to be sentenced shortly, and as the situation now stands, is facing the possibility of a very lengthy jail sentence, G-d forbid.*
*US Legal experts have informed community leaders involved in this case, that the recommended sentence (by the US attorney) is overzealous and excessively harsh, and is totally unparalleled to similar offenses by others.*
*According to the experts involved in the case, phone calls and letters to department of justice (expressing concern) about this situation can be helpful. Therefore, there is a holy obligation for every single individual to get involved in this matter of utmost Pidyon Shvuyim , and to do whatever they possibly can to assist in this matter.*
*As well, anyone who has the ability to urge the department of justice or political officials to rectify the (undue) harshness (displayed by the DOJ) should get in touch with the committee as soon as possible, and do whatever they possibly can to help rectify the (undue) harshness, and hereby fulfill the mitzvah of ‘Lo Taamod’ - not standing by idly while a fellow’s blood is shed. *
*As the Shulchan Aruch Yoreah Deah rules (252:3): Every moment that one delays the mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim, when there exists the possibility to assist sooner, is tantamount to committing bloodshed. As the Rambam’s states famously in the Laws of Matnas Aniyim (8:4): There exists no greater mitzvah than that of Pidyun Shvuyim ; One who looks away from assisting in helping to free the person, violates the injunctions of : Do Not Harden Your Heart, Do Not Be Tightfisted and Do Not Stand By While The Blood of Your Fellow is Being Shed. The Rambam then states an additional five mitzvahs involved in this.*
*Our Sages have already stated (Shabbos 151b ): All Who Have Compassion on Living Beings, Heaven will have compassion on him.* *May Hashem positively change the hearts of the authorities to good; May the cries of the imprisoned come before Hashem, and speedily extract him from his imprisonment. Amen.*
*Month of Iyor, 5770.*
*Please continue to daven for Reb Shalom Mordechai ben Rivkah.*
*Significant funds must still be raised for the legal defense. Anyone who can help out and lend support should take a moment to send a donation to the Pidyon Shvuyim Fund. The help of Yidden across the globe is severely needed. *
* Alternatively, you can mail contributions to:
*Pidyon Shvuyim Fund*
*53 Olympia Lane*
*Monsey NY 10952*
Prosecutors recommending life in prison for Sholom Mordechai is the latest example of how Sholom Mordechai has been treated harshly and vindictively in a prosecution that is likely to go down in history as a shameful permanent stain on American justice.
In the Des Moines Register, Sholom Mordechai’s defense attorney highlights the overzealous tactics used by prosecutors:
* ”The lengthy sentence the government is seeking is a continuation of the heavy-handed and overreaching tactics employed from the start of this case,” defense lawyer Guy Cook said. Rubashkin’s only crime, he said, “was borrowing more money than his father’s company was entitled to borrow, money the company was paying back with interest.”*
*2. Comment in support of Sholom Mordechai. Our goal is to make it the most read and commented article on the Des Moines Register site.*
*3. Send the article to family, colleagues and friends, and ask them to read it, comment on it and forward it on.*
*4. Link to the article on Facebook and Twitter.*
*5. Send the article to U.S. Attorney Stephanie Rose ( stephanie.rose@usdoj.gov) and the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (oipl@usdoj.gov).*
*6. Sign an online petition available at http://www.justiceforsholom.org*
*Together, we can show the judge, prosecutors and the legal community that concerned citizens are watching the case of Sholom Mordechai, and that he deserves “equal and fair administration of justice under the law.” *

Posted 4/20/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Why I Donated My Kidney to a Stranger
The event is being organised by friends of a young man in the Toronto Jewish community who needs a kidney.  Your help in making this event a success could mean saving a life (and others in the same position).

Event Details:

*  City Wide Jewish Event
Stranger Thank Kindness: Why I Donated My Kidney to a Stranger
with Ephraim Simon
* Thurs. April 29th    
    7:30 pm.
    770 Chabad Gate
*  Free admission
*  Cocktail reception
*  Exciting raffle prizes!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me,

Kol Tuv,

Pauline Renard

Posted 4/20/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
A Call To Help Sholom Rubashkin
Dear Friend,

We are very careful whom we support and which causes we champion.
World Jewish leaders have carefully researched the prosecution of Sholom
Rubashkin and are deeply disturbed. In sending you this email, I am joining
thousands of other Rabbis and organizations who are urging their communities
to voice their concerns.
The federal government has been over zealous in pursuing Mr. Sholom
Mordechai Rubashkin and has submitted him to considerably more severe
restrictions and potential punishment than others in similar cases. Mr.
Rubashkin, a father of ten including an autistic child, will be sentenced on
April 28 and faces the possibility of life in prison and the probability of
a 27 year sentence, far beyond the sentences imposed on others whose crimes
were significantly more severe than anything Mr. Rubashkin may have done.

In issuing this call, we are in no way condoning any criminal conduct.
Rather, we are asking that Mr. Rubashkin be treated like any other American.
We urge you to communicate your respectful concern over the handling of the
Rubashkin case, and the excessive sentence being considered. (For more
details about this, please see the memo available on
http://www.justiceforsholom.org ).

Jurors concurred that Rubashkin did not gain personally from the legal
mistakes he made and had no intention causing any monetary loss to anyone.
(Rubashkin lawyers pointed out that Mark Turckan, who pled guilty to a 21
year cover up of misapplying funds from the same bank, and was found to have
caused a similar loss to what DOJ argues was caused by Sholom Rubashkin, was
sentenced to a year and a day in prison.)

Please sign an online petition available at http://www.justiceforsholom.org and
please call or email the Justice Department’s Intergovernmental and Public
Liaison Office 202-514-3465 / oipl@usdoj.gov (please cc
pr@justiceforsholom.org) with your concerns.

These emails are important and will be forwarded to the US Attorney handling
the case.
Please note that this case is not about the immigration charges, this is a
white collar crime that Mr. Rubashkin allegedly committed in an attempt to
save his company.

Thank you so much,

Rabbi Ephraim Simon

Please consider forwarding this to your family and friends as well.


This Memorandum describes the gross disparity between usual procedures in
federal criminal prosecutions under the immigration and bank-fraud laws and
how Iowa federal prosecutors treated the case of Sholom Rubashkin, the
Orthodox Jewish Hasidic businessman who was arrested on immigration-law
violations relating to the Agriprocessors plant in Iowa and was found guilty
after a jury trial of bank fraud and failure to pay cattle owners promptly.

The enormous disparity between the treatment of Mr. Rubashkin and others who
committed similar offenses began with the Immigration and Customs
Enforcement ("ICE") raid on Agriprocessors ("Agri") on May 12, 2008, and has
continued to this day.

1. Should ICE Have Conducted the Massive May 2008 Raid?

Because it was apparent from government activity in the neighborhood of
Agriprocessors’ Postville plant that ICE might be planning a raid, Agri took
the advice of the American Meat Institute and retained the services of
Robert W. Kent, Esq., an attorney with the international law firm of Baker &
McKenzie. Mr. Kent had represented Swift & Co. - a meat-packer that had been
raided by ICE in six states in December 2006, when approximately 1297
illegal employees were found. When ICE sought to raid Swift again in Texas,
Kent persuaded them to proceed without a raid and instead to examine Swift’s
employment records and weed out the illegals. Kent called the Iowa
prosecutors on May 9 and followed up with a faxed letter on May 9 requesting
a meeting and stating that Agri - which was "the largest kosher meat
production company in the country" - wished to cooperate with ICE and avoid
the dangers and disruption of a raid.

Kent’s requests were summarily denied and the raid took place. Approximately
600 federal agents in heavy riot gear stormed the Agri plant on May 12,
supported by Blackhawk military helicopters. A total of 389 illegal aliens
were arrested and entered guilty pleas in production-line fashion after
being told that they could be charged with a major federal criminal felony
that the Supreme Court held in 2009 (Flores-Figueroa v. United States, 129
S. Ct. 1886) was inapplicable to their situations.

The Department of Homeland Security reversed ICE’s raid policy and, since an
announcement made on April 30, 2009, will conduct raids only in extremely
limited circumstances.

The May 2008 raid received national publicity and ultimately resulted in the
bankruptcy of Agri. It demolished Postville’s economic infrastructure,
destroyed a legitimate business that was the town’s major employer, wiped
out livelihoods of both legal and illegal aliens, forced businesses to shut
down, and drove away residents. Postville’s population has shrunk by half,
and many of those who remain are unable to sell their homes. The town is
nearly insolvent. And the raid demolished the principal source of kosher
beef and poultry in the United States, creating kosher meat shortages across
the country.

2. Was the Post-Raid Treatment of Rubashkin Comparable to Other ICE Raid

(a) Swift & Co. - Although Swift was a major employer of illegals in six
states and 1297 illegals were found on those premises in the December 2006
raids, neither the company nor any of its officials was criminally charged.
In Iowa, for example, one United Food and Commercial Workers ("UFCW")
official at Swift’s Marshalltown, Iowa, plant was charged with harboring
illegal aliens in an Iowa federal court and was sentenced to one year and a
day in prison and a $2000 fine after being found guilty by a jury. Another
Swift employee who had pleaded guilty was sentenced to probation.

(b) Michael Bianco, Inc. ("MBI") - A manufacturer of leather goods and
handbags in New Bedford, Mass., was raided by ICE on March 6, 2007, after an
undercover operation from which it was learned that Francesco Insolia, the
owner, intentionally sought out illegal aliens and exploited them with
punitive fines and terrible working conditions. Approximately 326 illegal
aliens were detained in the raid. Insolia was sentenced in January 2009 to
one year and a day in prison and fined $30,000. The company was fined $1.51
million and ordered to pay $460,000 in restitution.

(c) Action Rags USA - A Huston, Texas, clothing and rag exporting company
was raided by ICE on June 25, 2008 - little more than a month after the Agri
raid. Approximately 85% of the business’ workforce consisted of illegal
Mexican aliens, and approximately 150 aliens were arrested. The owner,
Mubarik Kahlon, and two managers were indicted on immigration charges in
July 2008. A jury trial was set for June 15, 2009, but on June 10, Kahlon
and one manager pleaded guilty. Kahlon was sentenced to two years’ probation
and a $6000 fine.

(d) Miyako Sushi and Panda China Buffets - ICE raided these restaurants in
Ocean City, Maryland, in June 2007, on evidence that illegal aliens were
hired as below-minimum-wage employees (paid in cash) in the restaurants and
were provided living accommodations in condominiums owned by the restaurant
owners, Bo Hao Zhu and Siu Ping Cheng. The owners pleaded guilty to
immigration-law violations and were sentenced on September 12, 2008, to 18
months’ probation. Their partnership was ordered to pay a $50,000 fine.

(e) Rosenbaum-Cunningham International, Inc. ("RCI")
- On February 22, 2007 ICE raided 63 locations in 17 states of a national
janitorial service that provided cleaning crews for restaurants. Almost all
RCI janitorial employees were illegal aliens who had no documentation
whatever, and they were paid in cash. The owners, Richard M. Rosenbaum,
Edward Scott Cunningham, and Christina A. Flocken were charged not only with
immigration-law violations, but also with defrauding the United States of
more than $18 million in federal employment taxes. On March 4, 2008,
Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, Cunningham to 51 months,
and Flocken to 30 months.
The cases described above are typical. No case following an ICE raid has
even come remotely close to the draconian threats and punishments imposed on
Mr. Rubashkin.

3. Were Post-Raid Publicized Arrests and Imprisonment of Rubashkin
Following the nationally publicized Agri raid, the Iowa federal prosecutors
conducted an investigation of Agri. The sworn complaint on which the raid
was based had acknowledged that Agri had screened job applicants and had, in
fact, twice rejected an ICE undercover agent who tried to gain employment
with false identity papers. Only when ICE provided him with authentic
documentation was he hired. Rubashkin denied that he had knowingly violated
the immigration laws and Agri retained Robert Kent to discuss the charges
with the prosecutors.

The prosecutors made arrests and filed immigration-law charges against
various of the company’s employees. Most of these steps were accompanied by
substantial local and national publicity. Agri’s and Rubashkin’s counsel was
in regular communication with the prosecutors to attempt a resolution of
potential criminal charges against Agri and Rubashkin.

Although he was served with a letter identifying him as a "target" of the
investigation, Rubashkin himself remained in his Postville, Iowa, home
during the almost six months following the raid. He made one trip to Canada
to visit a sick friend and returned promptly to Postville. There is not a
scintilla of evidence that he made any effort to flee.

It was clear that Rubashkin would surrender voluntarily if notified of any
charges, but the local prosecutors had him arrested without any advance
warning, to the accompaniment of great publicity, on October 30, 2008. Page
A14 of The New York Times of October 31, 2008, for example, had a story
headlined "Arrest Made in Iowa Plant Case" and a photograph - coverage that
would not have appeared had counsel been requested, as is usual in such
cases, to bring in his client to answer charges.
An indictment charging one violation of the immigration laws was returned.

At Rubashkin’s bail hearing on the indictment, the prosecutors and the
Magistrate Judge permitted him to be released on a one-million-dollar bond
and with an ankle bracelet and electronic monitoring. Individual employers
charged in all other immigration-law prosecutions have been released either
on personal recognizance or on the submission of a nominal bond. No other
employer accused of violating the immigration laws has ever been restricted
with an electronic bracelet or required to post a bond of one million

On the day following his release, the Iowa prosecutors had Rubashkin
arrested again on an allegation that he had committed bank fraud after his
first arrest. Their claim was that, in the routine certifications that Agri
made to the St. Louis bank with which it had a $35 million line of credit,
it had falsely represented that it was in compliance with the law when, in
fact, it was harboring illegal aliens, and that Agri had failed to deposit
all checks it received from customers in the "sweep account" that was
security for the bank loan and had temporarily used (but had subsequently
reimbursed) money for a store and school in Postville that Agri was

Although there was no proof that the bank was actually misled by this
conduct or that its loan, on which timely interest payments continued to be
made even after the raid, was imperiled in any way, the Iowa prosecutors
asserted that this conduct by Rubashkin constituted "non-compliance" with
the terms of Rubashkin’s release on bail and asked that he be denied bail
and imprisoned.

Among other arguments for denying bail to Rubashkin, the prosecutors
asserted that Rubashkin could flee to Israel because he is Jewish, although
there was no evidence whatever that he had sought to travel to Israel (and
this same specious contention would justify the imprisonment of any Jewish
person ever arrested on any charge). In his opinion denying bail, the
Magistrate Judge accepted the Iowa prosecutors’ claim regarding flight to

Rubashkin spent the next 76 days in prison. No other individual accused of
an immigration-law violation and no other non-violent and non-threatening
person charged with nothing more than having compromised the security of a
bank loan that was otherwise being kept current has ever been denied bail,
prior to trial, on such a charge unless he was apprehended while actually
attempting to flee.

4. Why Were Seven Superseding Indictments Filed With Inflated Allegations
and a Forfeiture Demand?

After a hearing held in January 2009, the District Judge found insufficient
evidence to keep Rubashkin in prison as a "flight risk" and ordered his
release pending trial. In the meantime, the Iowa prosecutors had begun
ballooning the immigration and bank-fraud charges with a series of
superseding indictments.

The following is a list of the dates and number of counts of the superseding

Fourth Superseding Indictment - January 15, 2009 - 97 Counts
The basic charges of immigration-law violations and bank fraud remained the
same throughout this entire series of indictments. In the ____ Superseding
Indictment the Prosecutors added the request that the entire Agri business
be forfeited to the United States. That demand - for the forfeiture of an
entire business because some of its employees were illegal aliens - was not
made in any other case involving violation of the immigration laws.

The Fourth Superseding Indictment added the allegation under 7 U.S.C. § 195
that Rubashkin had failed to make prompt payments to cattle owners in
violation of an Agriculture Department regulation because his payments were,
on occasion, several days late. This was the first time in the history of
federal law enforcement that such a criminal charge has ever been made.

The number of charges was increased by the Iowa prosecutors not because any
new offenses were discovered. Rather, the basic bank fraud allegation was
multiplied because each of the bank’s advances of funds to Agri under the
$35 million line of credit and each month’s report to the bank by Agri was
charged as a separate offense. Money laundering was also alleged to have
been committed when Rubashkin deposited some funds received from customers
to the accounts of a local kosher grocery store and religious school that
Agri was maintaining in Postville.

The effect of this deliberate fragmentation of charges was that Rubashkin
was ultimately tried before a jury not on one basic charge of submitting
false reports to the bank regarding the security for the bank’s loan but on
91 counts of bank fraud, money laundering, and failure to pay cattle
dealers. The jury found him guilty on 86 counts.

5. Why Did Prosecutors Prove Immigration-Law Violations at the Bank-Fraud

Recognizing that the jury would be prejudiced against Rubashkin in
considering the bank-fraud allegations if it heard evidence regarding
immigration-law violations, the District Judge severed trial of the 72
immigrations violations in the Seventh Superseding Indictment from the 91
bank-fraud charges. Nonetheless, contending that he committed bank fraud
when he represented to the bank that Agri was complying with the law, the
Iowa prosecutors presented more than two days of highly inflammatory
testimony regarding the immigration allegations during the bank-fraud trial.
The District Judge denied repeated defense requests for a mistrial.

6. Why Was Rubashkin Denied Release on Bail Pending Sentencing?

During the almost ten months between his pretrial release (after 76 days in
prison), Rubashkin complied punctiliously with all the bail conditions. His
Probation Officer even testified that on one occasion, when his electronic
ankle bracelet became dislodged, "he alerted her immediately to allow fir
its expedient repair." The District Judge found "that Defendant took great
pains to comply with the terms of his pretrial release."

Nonetheless, when the jury returned a guilty verdict, Rubashkin was
immediately remanded to prison. In a hearing on the Iowa prosecutors’
request that he be denied release pending sentencing, the defense offered to
post as security approximately $8 million in the equity of 43 supporters of
Mr. Rubashkin and to pay for a 24-hour armed guard that would prevent him
from leaving his home without prior authorization. The District Judge
granted the Iowa prosecutors’ request, and Rubashkin has now been in the
Linn County Jail for more than 130 days, in addition to the 76 days he spent
in prison between November 2008 and January 2009.

The law regarding release pending sentencing (the Bail Reform Act of 1984,
18 U.S.C. § 3143(a)) does not authorize the pre-sentencing imprisonment of a
defendant who is not a danger to the community if he is not a "flight risk"
and his future presence can be assured by any conditions of release. The
District Judge stated no reason for imprisoning him other than her
unsupported conclusory statement that he is a "flight risk." The Court of
Appeals denied bail also without stating any reason. These unexplained
denials of bail violate the provision of the Bail Reform Act that requires
"a written statement of reasons for the detention." 18 U.S.C. § 1342(i)(1).

7. Why Has Release for Passover Seders Been Opposed?

Although Rubashkin’s counsel believe that any detention of Rubashkin
pre-sentencing is unlawful and are applying to the Supreme Court to reverse
the rulings of the District Court and the Court of Appeals, they filed on
March 18, 2010, a motion to permit him to observe the first two days of
Passover (March 30 and 31) at home. The motion was opposed by the Iowa
prosecutors and was denied by the District Court on the day after it was

Federal law (the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-1 and
the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, 42 U.S.C. §
2000cc-1(a)) protect the religious rights of prisoners in federal custody
unless the Government has a "compelling interest" in denying the religious
right and is taking the "least restrictive alternative" in enforcing that
interest. Neither of these standards was satisfied by the Iowa prosecutors
or the District Court in denying permission to Rubashkin to observe the
Passover Seders in his home.

8. Why Is an Excessively Severe Prison Term Being Urged?

The jury found in a special interrogatory that Rubashkin did not profit
personally from false invoices presented to the lending bank. Evidence of
his very modest lifestyle and his extraordinary charity was proffered at his
trial but objected to by the Iowa prosecutors and excluded by the District
Judge. He is the father of 10 children, including an autistic teenage boy
who depends on him. Nonetheless, the Iowa prosecutors have indicated that
they view an appropriate prison sentence as being in the 22 to 27 year

Although they dismissed the 72 immigration-law counts after the jury’s
verdict on the bank-fraud allegations, the Iowa prosecutors have submitted
to the Probation Office more than 30 pages of unproved inflammatory
allegations regarding the employment of illegal aliens at Agri. These
assertions - which Rubashkin has never had any opportunity to challenge and
disprove - are designed to prejudice the District Judge against Rubashkin
and increase his sentence.


Posted 4/19/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (1)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
Tuesday April 13th - Tehillim Teleconference for Woman and Girls

for recording of Sara Yoheved's Rosh Chodesh Iyar shiur  (very worthwhile) with chizuk ...(about 20 min)

call kol halashon 416-800-2146  (or outside of toronto 718-906-6400)

Then as soon as david pancer starts talking, don’t listen to prompts and press 1-5-1-0

That gets you to Aneinu.

We offer weekly shiurim , press 1 (if you want more info on that let me know)

And rosh chodesh 2

Press 2

Stay on the line and the last shiur taped  (which is soro rigler) will come on

SARA YOHEVED RIGLER to speak on Erev Rosh Chodesh Tehillim teleconference -- THIS TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH.

We hope you had a beautiful inspiring yom tov

Aneinu Worldwide Tehillim for Women is happy to announce another wonderful season of weekly shiurim and our erev rosh chodesh tehillim over the phone with divrei chizuk being given by prominent rabbonim or rebbetzin.

This week, we will iy"H have Sara Yoheved Rigler speak to us this Tuesday April 13 at 1:00 PM NY time in  conjunction with our tehillim over the phone.
Information below





When: Tuesday April 13, at 1:00 PM NY time.

The Tehillim we say together are:

Perokim #20, 83, 121, 130, 142 and 100. The perokim can be downloaded from artscroll at http://www.artscroll.com/itehillim.html#tehillim

The number to call is 212-990-8000 Access code: 6060 #(pound)

-We will be resuming our weekly Aneinu shiruim this Wednesday April 14 at 9:15 PM NY time

Our speaker will be Rabbi Leibel Burnham, from Detroit.
His topic will be "The Seven Pathways to Perfection"
Rabbi Burnham will discuss the seven sefiros, Chesed, Gevura, Tiferes,etc. and explain some of them in detail with practical applications
The number to call is 212-990-8000
the pin number is 8020 pound

Please note, sponsorships are still available for both these shirum. In addition to the wonderful women who listen to these shiruim live, we also have many more people who listen to the shiur on Kol Haloshon from as far as Australia and Switzerland. Please ask your group members if they would like to sponosr theyse shiurim, ie.lyorzeit this week in whose honor they would like to sponsor a shir; refuah shelaima; gezunt, shidduchim, parnasa

Posted 4/12/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: litter.jpg
Garbage Services Toronto

The City of Toronto will have a special garbage pickup at one location only - Agudath Israel, 129 McGillivray Ave. The pickup will be on Monday, March 29, from 8:30-11:00 AM.

Please separate your garbage.

Green bin (compost, household food waste, etc.) and Blue bin (recycling, cans, bottles, newspapers, etc.) must be in separate clear plastic bags. All other garbage can be in normal garbage bags; there will be a $4.00 charge per garbage bag.

DO NOT bring any construction debris or bulky materials such as furniture, etc.

Another option is to take your garbage to the city waste dump at 50 Ingram Dr. (near Keele St.). As above, green and blue bin waste must be separated in clear plastic bags. Cost is $10.00/100 kilos. The dump will be open on Fri., March 26, 4:00-7:00 PM, and Mon., March 29, 6:00 AM-Midnight. You can call 311 for more information.

Posted 3/23/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: litter.jpg
Garbage Services Thornhill

The City of Vaughan has arranged for extra garbage bins at the Garnet A. Williams Community Centre on March 25-30, 2010 (inclusive).

Alternatively, bags may be placed in the BAYT shul garbage bins from 9:00-11:45 am on Monday, March 29, 2010.  To help offset the cost of the special garbage disposal pick up, there will be a charge of $2.00 pere bag.
Burning of chometz will take place in the BAYT parking lot from 7:30am-12:00 noon on Monday, March 29, 2010.  Only chometz in paper bags is acceptable and permissible.  Plastic bags and glass objects or cans will not be accepted because they are a fire hazard and a pollutant.

Posted 3/23/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Power of Tznius

Hakhel sent this message
Dear Binah,
It’s that very busy time of year for mothers.  Costumes and Mishloach Manos followed closely by the shmatte-wringing, vacuuming frenzy!  As exhausted as we are just thinking about this, there are some of us who wish we could be part of it (anything, even scrubbing Duplo in the bathtub!).  We are a group of mothers who spend day after day in the oncology ward with our innocent children.  We are fighting the battle for their lives, and we are appealing to all of you who truly feel for us in your hearts, to help us.  Help us gain zechuyos to tip the scale to complete our children’s refuah.  We have heard many stories of the power of tznius to effect yeshuos, offer protection, and annul harsh decrees.  Please join our battle by calling (732) 901-7513 to order the inspirational book Daughters of Dignity.  The book contains two-minute lessons on tznius which are easy to read and are guaranteed to uplift you.  Those who do better with audio can hear the lessons by calling (416) 800-2146 (Kol Haloshon) and pressing 1 - 5 - 12 - 3 - 2.
We thank you for your tefillos, empathy, and most of all, every zechus you engender for our children.

The mothers of Miriam bas Esther Rochel, Sara Leah bas Chaya Nechama and
Leah bas Chana.

Posted 3/18/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Tehillim[1].jpg
TONIGHT THURSDAY Tehillim teleconference for women and girls only


*“hena bo yom hadin” The day of judgment is coming*


As you read these words, the judge is deciding his fate:

Will he be confined to a Japanese jail for the next 13 years, CHAS VASHOLOM or with Hashem’s help be released to the loving embrace of his family and klal yisroel?

His verdict will be forthcoming next Wednesday March 24th, the ninth day of Nissan.

At the request of the askanim in Japan who are helping these boys, they have asked women the world over to gather in our Tehillim groups this evening,  Thursday March 18 at 8:15 PM NY time to beseech the Ribono Shel Olam to have rachmanius on Yaakov Yoseph ben Raizel.

We will be saying Tehillim together over the phone at this time.

Phone Number: 212-990-8000 pin number 3067 pound

In the merit of Noshim Tzidkanos,  our forefathers were redeemed from Mitzraim and in the merit of Noshim Tzidkanios will we merit the future redemption.  May it take place soon in our days.

Let your friends know about this Tehillim gathering over the phone and ask them to join us as we daven for rachamim for:

*Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava*

*Yaakov Yoseph ben Raizel*

*Yosef ben Ita Rivka*

Posted 3/18/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Salant.JPG
The Secret of Self-Esteem

Our Sages (Yalkut Yehoshua 14) tell us that when Eisev was a child he attained a spiritual equivalency of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov. However, in his youth he committed improper deeds and denounced his first-born status. Consequently, his level of greatness diminished and "he became small."
While it is true that "he became small," in light of his many misdeeds, it would be more correct to say he became immoral or corrupt. What is the import of "he became small?"
Rather, this passage illuminates the path to greatness. HaShem created man as a Tzelem Elokim, i.e., an "Image of HaShem." Therefore, our true essence and nature is kind, merciful, and holy. Just as HaShem is unchangeable in His goodness, so the human being - the "Image of HaShem" - is eternally good.
Eisev’s downfall was not caused by his sin but rather by his identifying himself as a "sinner." He "became small" because he saw himself "as small" after he sinned. However, the goodness of the soul is permanent and unchangeable. Moreover, HaShem is always ready to accept our repentance.
May we remember that we are inherently - and unalterably - good! Then we will traverse the path of greatness, in the footsteps of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaacov.
TODAY: Define yourself not by your misdeeds - but rather by your GOOD, KIND, AND HOLY ESSENCE. 

Posted 11/16/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Brachos for specific foods -cont

We continue with our series on the Halachos of Brachos. The following Halachos are found in the Sefer Pischei Halacha--Hilchos Brachos, by Rabbi Binyomin Forst, Shlita.

a. If one heard two brachos at the same time, he should respond with the words "Amen V’Amen".

b. If one tastes a food in order to determine whether it needs salt or spices, he makes no brocha rishona or achrona.

c. One should make a brocha on a ma’achal choshuv--on an important dish. Accordingly, if one believes that the food is lacking salt or spices, he should add them prior to making the brocha. Similarly, if one intends to eat several fruits, he should make the brocha on the cleanest and nicest one.

d. If one does not know what brocha to make on an item, and accordingly recites a Shehakol out of ignorance, he is referred to as a "boor", a halachically ignorant individual.

e. If one is eating a fruit salad comprised of some fruits whose brocha rishona is a Borei Pri Haeitz, and other fruits whose brocha is a Borei Pri Hoadomo, and both fruits typically come up in every spoonful, (i.e., he is eating and enjoying all of the fruits alike), one should make the brocha on the fruit which is in the majority. Accordingly, if the fruit in the majority is a cantaloupe, then one would make a Borei Pri Hoadomo. On the other hand, if the majority fruit is orange, then one would make a Borei Pri Haeitz. If one eats the fruits separately, and not in spoonfuls, he would make a Borei Pri Haeitz and a Borei Pri Hoadomo.

Posted 2/5/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (0)

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